Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Believe it or not, my most recent release, UNLEASHING THE RECEPTIONIST, is my 9TH RELEASE! I still can barely comprehend that I've written nine books. I still remember when the idea of finishing one book seemed an incredible achievement. I still remember when I got my first book accepted. I remember all the firsts ... the panic to get my first website up. My nervous first post at the Samhain Cafe. My first blog post -- boy, I slaved over that thing! The first time I saw my name pop up on the Samhain bestseller list. My first ever review -- from Mrs. Giggles. (And yes, I survived.)

I don't know why this book is making me sentimental. Maybe it's because it's (most likely) the last book in the Receptionist series. Maybe it's because the Naughty Nine are about to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. Maybe it's because I actually dedicated this book to "the naughty in all of us, and especially to the Nine Naughty Novelists." (Love you guys!)

Maybe it's natural to get a little weepy when we hit certain milestones. Nine has always been one of my favorite numbers. I looked up its spiritual meaning on a numerology website, and here is what it says:

Nine: The spiritual meaning of number Nine bring us to the very height of vibrational frequencies. Nine represents attainment, satisfaction, accomplishment, and our success to achieve an influence in our circumstances. The spiritual meaning of number Nine deals with intellectual power, inventiveness, influence over situations and things. Nine beseeches us to recognize our own internal attributes, and extend these abilities out into the world to make a positive, influential difference.

Now is that perfect or what? No wonder I'm getting sentimental. So get out there, Ms. Dana Arthur the Receptionist, and make a positive, influential difference in the world!

Here's a little more about UNLEASHING THE RECEPTIONIST.

You can tie a girl up, but you can’t keep her down…

…the Receptionist, Book 3

In the year since Dana joined Ethan and Simon’s firm, the three of them have found the perfect balance of power and pleasure in their three-way, work/play relationship. Not only that, but it’s been the firm’s most successful year financially.

Except something is missing. Her men won’t tell her anything about their past. How they met, or how they formed such an unconventional business and personal partnership. Until they start sharing their secrets, Dana fears she’ll always be the odd girl out.

Everything changes when a vengeful former partner resurfaces. Suddenly, both the business and their idyllic relationship are under siege. With a tax auditor watching their every move, the three must be on their best behavior.

Never one to back down from a challenge, Dana seizes the chance to prove herself—and finally win her sexy bosses’ full trust and confidence. Now the race is on to root the evil nemesis out of their lives once and for all—before her dream relationship cracks under the pressure. 

Are you ready for an ADULT EXCERPT? Read no further unless you're of age and don't mind things extra-sizzing!


The red button on my phone blinked—Ethan was calling me into his office. “I’ll come by later,” I told Standish, and hurried to find out what Ethan wanted.
Apparently he wanted to glower at me with a double dose of Blue Fury from behind his desk. “What are you trying to pull?”

I twined my hands behind my back, a perfect little schoolgirl. “Excuse me?”

“I warned you about Standish. I said we were to behave with complete professionalism.”

“Which is exactly what I’ve done.” I lifted my nose in the air. This had the effect of accentuating my breasts. His gaze flicked across me.

“That outfit is hardly professional.”

“Depends on your profession,” I said pertly. From behind me came a click.

Excitement churned inside me. I knew that sound—the remote controlled lock on Ethan’s door. The atmosphere in the room turned suddenly heavy and charged.

Ethan’s voice dropped into the sudden tension with two stern words. “Come. Here.”

“Fine.” I stepped forward. “But I feel I should remind you of the current policy against physical contact established by the head of this firm...” I broke off
with a squeak, finding myself suddenly turned across his lap. In the space of half a second, I was staring at the beige carpet and feeling my skirt yanked over my head.

“You’re pushing me,” Ethan growled. The sound of a drawer opening came next. Ethan’s treasure chest of sex toys. Excitement shot through me, made me wet between the legs. All these sounds were like cues to me, announcing we’d reached Punishment Time.

About time. All that abstaining stuff had been driving me crazy. I decided to push him harder.

“You’re breaking the rules, Ethan. You said no physical...”

Wham. The paddle. The flat wood came down on my right cheek. I yelped as adrenaline flooded my brain. The next spank followed right on top of the previous one. When Ethan paddled me, he gave me no room to rest, no room to catch up to the pace of his strokes. I clutched the side of his leg, afraid I’d lose all sense of where I was. The carpet blurred before my dazed vision. He maneuvered his knee so my clit, with its delicate piercing, pressed against the fabric of his trousers—a fine woolen weave. Caught between his hard spanking and the pressure of his knee, I felt wild spirals of arousal somersault through my body.

If you'd like to win the first two books in the Receptionist series, sign up here for a Rafflecopter giveaway! I'm also giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate. Happy reading!


  1. I read the first one and loved it! can't wait to read the others. I can't say my job has any duties that are all that interesting, but since I'm a physician assistant I do get to do some varied procedures and such. Thanks for the great giveaway!
