Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday in Southern California

For the first time this holiday season, it felt like winter. I woke up to a frigid 3:30 AM and braced myself for my toned-down version of Black Friday shopping -- Kohl's. In the past, I've always gotten great deals, and the lines are practically non-existent. Today was no exception. I was in and out in 20 minutes with all the items on my wish list in hand. It was a rush, in a way, power-walking through the store, wondering if the slippers or towels would still be in stock, dodging the slow-moving cart-pushers who seem to have little idea there are other people trying to walk through the aisles.

But that's as far as I'm willing to go for a deal.

Just for kicks, I decided to swing by the local Target and Best Buy, conveniently located next to each other for my observation ease. The lines had wrapped AROUND the stores -- both stores -- by 5 AM when the doors first opened. Here's the general idea:

I felt I should have been wearing a pith helmet; it was like studying an exotic species of dangerous mammal, one that would fight with children over a toy and push over grannies to get the last something-or-other must-have of the season. Do kids really have to have Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster? Did they have to have Tickle Me Elmo years ago?

I believe our insanity and materialism has reached an all-time high.

Or maybe the high is just in the rush of Black Friday shopping. Some of my friends love it, and are willing to wait for hours outside a store for the chance to snag a great deal. For me, my time and body heat are just not worth it. Not to mention my wallet might stage a riot if I tried to buy a big-screen TV, no matter how discounted it might be.

So how was your Black Friday? Did you sleep in, or brave the lines? Did you get a good deal? Most of all -- was it worth it?

~Skylar, who is heading back to bed as you read~


  1. It's not Thanksgiving or Black Friday here, but in past years we have done some Black Friday cross-border shopping. Not at 5:00 AM. We still found deals at noon. :-) This year, in honour of Black Friday, I went shopping at my local mall. My plan was Christmas shopping and I had a list. I'd just stepped into the mall when I ran into my daughter. Crap! How am I supposed to shop for her when she's wandering around, too? Sure enough when I ran into her I know she saw that Sephora bag...

  2. I actually did end up at Target today, on my way back from Home Depot. I remembered I needed cat food and forgot about Black Friday. Oh, well.

    Luckily for me, the lines weren't too bad and it gave me a chance to brainstorm this year's holiday decorations.

    Now, I'm off to finish re-painting the kitchen. Such a holiday thing to do!

  3. I went shopping today with my sisters we started out at Target had to wait in line about 30 minutes although we don't do the early bird sales we got there about 7am. While we were in line we started talking to other customers here there was a fight at Wal-Mart (2 women) and one at Kohl's (2 men) here at this Kohl's it stay's busy all day the lines are horrible. Personally I didn't find to many good sales.

  4. Wow! Good to know you all avoided the general insanity that befell America on Friday.

  5. Even itty bitty Fredericksburg, TX was packed, but it's a big tourist town. Apparently, the appetite for souvenir tea towels and really gross T-shirts never wanes!
