Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My second book from Ellora's Cave is out today!

Don't let the cover fool you - it's not about wine, it's about coffee. The cover is standard for stories in the "Beverages" or "Wet" theme.
Here's the blurb:

After a disastrous D/s relationship nearly destroyed her, Danya swears she’ll never go back to that lifestyle. She tries to deny the dark hunger rising inside her, a craving to be pushed, taken to the edge, until the night she ends up at Karma Coffee for Sexpresso Night. There she discovers how sensual and sexy coffee can be--and how sensual and sexy barista Carter Jarvis is. Carter senses gorgeous Danya wants to let go of control with a man. When they end up back at his place ‘for coffee’ she submits to him so beautifully he knows she’s meant to be his. Carter seems perfect for her–not wishy-washy, but not a sadistic pervert–until he shows her his BDSM playroom.

Tomorrow I'm blogging right here about some of the things I learned about coffee while researching this story, and in fact I learned so much I wrote another book about the coffee business!

My newsletter subscribers have a chance to win a free download of every new release, including this one, so if you aren't a member come join (I only send out newsletters with new releases, so don't worry about your inbox being filled with junk).

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And check out the trailer for Sexpresso Night:


  1. Congratulations Kelly on your Release Day!
    I loved the trailer too.
    Love & Best Wishes to you & yours,

  2. Sex and coffee...does it get any better than that? You know I've been waiting for this one! Congratulations, Kelly. Can't wait to read it!

  3. Happy release day, Kelly! I so prefer coffee to wine! Can't wait!

  4. Ooh, love that trailer! Happy release day!

  5. Oh, now, Erin, no need to be hasty--wine's good too, you know! Besides, if you talk like that, she'll never go back to her winery story and then I'll have to pout.

    Although, I must admit I'm very happy to learn that there's a second coffee-themed book in the works--be still my heart! Must be the caffeine that's making it race...or it could be Carter. YUM!

  6. Looking forward to reading this one Kelly...I always love reading your books.

  7. Thanks everyone!
    Yes PG if I had to pick one I'd have a hard time deciding between coffee and wine!
