Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Guest Blogger Leah Braemel Interviews Her Hero

I wrote Personal Protection back in 2008 and I’ve since written/blogged about Personal Protection so often, I stared at the screen for a very long time wondering what I could say about it that I hadn’t said a bazillion times before. To get some ideas, I scrolled back through The Naughty Nine’s previous posts when I found a post where some of the Nine interviewed their heroes. So I shoved my computer glasses up on my head and put on my distance glasses, told Sam Watson to park his (marvellous) butt in a chair and answer some questions for me. Thinking I missed the smirk he gave me (or maybe he was snickering at the two pair of glasses I was wearing), he did what I asked.

How did a southern boy from Georgia end up in Washington DC?

“I first came up here when I joined the FBI—trained at Quantico of course. Moved around for a bit afterward. Lived in Texas for a while, spent some time in New York too, but ended back here right before … well, let’s just say when I started my own bodyguard company, I knew some folks around these parts who had the right connections to people who needed guardin’. It seemed like a natural fit for me. Not to say I don’t head back home every now and then when things get borin’ around here.”

Tell me about Rosalinda Ramos. What’s the biggest turn-on/turn-off about Rosalinda Ramos?

“How does she turn me on? Hell, woman, you ain’t got enough time in the day to hear that list.”

All right, so what first caught your eye about her?

He pulled out one of his famous—or infamous perhaps—cigars and rolled it between his fingers as he considered my question. “I think it was the first time I saw her sparrin’ in the gym. She was this little bitty thing, hundred pounds soakin’ wet, maybe a half inch about five feet and still she took down my second-in-command, Chad Miller, without breakin’ a sweat. Now you have to understand, Chad’s former FBI, just like me. He knows how to protect himself, so takin’ him down wasn’t easy.” He gestured to his cigar seeking my permission to light it, then scowled when I shook my head. He shoved it back into his pocket and leaned back as he continued, “Rosie’s real confident about herself—she knows she can handle anything anyone throws at her. She’s got a real been-there-done-that type attitude, and she has, yet every now and then you see this innocence peekin’ through that I find a real turn on.” He got a far-away look in his eyes. “That and the sexy Blue Morpho butterfly tattoo she’s got peekin’ out from her jeans. It’s pretty sexy watching its wings flutter when we’re …” He cleared his throat and sought his cigar again. “You might not want to include that last bit.”

Too late, I thought as I typed it anyway. “What does she do that turns you off?”

“I let her think it’s all the stuff she uses to tame her hair that clutter up my bathroom, but really, I love her hair, so I guess I can cut her some slack for that.”

Rolling my eyes, I groan. Sam, answer the question, what does she do that turns you off?

“Ah, hell, you wanna get me sleepin’ on the couch tonight, don’t you? All right, all right. She’s got a lead foot behind the wheel. She’s had defensive driving courses and knows how to handle a vehicle in a dangerous situation, but damn it, she’s impatient. She’s always pushing things, wanting to get there faster when sometimes the slow route’s more fun, ya know?”

(Why do I get the feeling he’s not just talking about Rosie’s driving ability anymore?)

All right, Sam, one last question then you’re off the hook--thong, crotchless panties, or nothing at all?

He just about blinds me with his trademark bright smile. “I won’t deny it’s a turn-on to know she’s not wearin’ anything beneath a dress so there’s nothing stopping me if I decide to…well, you can imagine what I want to do. But there’s something to be said for a woman wearing a nice thong with just enough lace to make me wonder what’s beneath. Make me imagine pulling it down off her …” He stared at the ceiling and drifted off for a moment. “Yup, never hurts to leave somethin’ to my imagination. Doesn’t hurt to make me have to work for the prize, you know?”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “I’m not sure Rosie will like to read that you consider her a prize.”

“I wasn’t implying she was the prize. Though she is.” He winked and stood up. “We done here? You got my imagination stirrin’ and now I’ve got a powerful hankerin’ to see Rosie.”

From where I sat, I could see there was more than just his imagination stirring…

She can cover him with one hand tied behind her back. Maybe two.

Sam Watson excels at keeping other people safe. Now a stalker is targeting him, but so what? A few doctored photos and a couple threatening phone calls are no big deal. He can watch his own back. Then again, the view from behind the sexy spitfire assigned to protect him isn’t so bad…

Rosalinda Ramos has managed to keep her attraction to Hauberk Security’s owner tightly under wraps. It’s just as well he doesn’t know. One slip—in the bedroom or on the job—will cost her her heart and her career, so she’s got only one thing on her mind. Protect Sam, whether he wants it or not.

The stakes—and the heat—rise exponentially when she discovers Sam belongs to an exclusive sex club—one she must investigate for potential suspects. Suddenly she finds herself immersed in a world that pushes her boundaries.

Sam delights in leading Rosie deep into his sexual shadows—until they go one game too far. Making him wonder if he can allow the woman he loves to take a bullet for him.

Since I’m never sure if my readers are reading my blogs at work, I worry about providing excerpts – after all, I write pretty steamy stuff. So “just in case” here’s a link to an excerpt on my website ( http://LeahBraemel.com ). Actually because several of my readers on my blog commented about NSFW excerpts, I started up a blog specifically for excerpts so they could check them out when they were in the comfort (and privacy) their home; so if you want to read a bit more, you can go over to http://leahbraemelexcerpts.blogspot.com and read more too.

You can buy the paperback through Amazon.com or The Book Depository.com or download the ebook on your Kindle or from All Romance eBooks

You can find out about Leah’s other books at her website, or on her blog. Or you can follow her on Twitter.


  1. Thanks for the excerpt! I am going to go check it out!.. It looks right up my alley!

  2. Great interview, Leah. I can't wait to check out the excerpts tonight when I get home. I love me some steam! ;)

  3. Welcome to the Naughty Nine, Leah. Glad your hero is as talkative as ours were!

  4. Hi, Meg. Thanks for having me -- and yes, Sam is a rather talkative type. When he wants to be. Some days he's darned stubborn and secretive.

    *waves* to Jenn and Gina. Personal Protection definitely is steamy, although that 'alley' is a little kinky, LOL.

  5. Hi, Leah! Welcome! Loved the interview... very fun. I think it's only fair our heroes (and heroines) answer our questions-- after all, we're the ones who can turn a very nice bedroom scene into a manual-labor-in-the-hot-sun scene instead if they don't cooperate! *G*

  6. It's wonderful to hear from Sam in his own words! I'm melting all over again!

  7. Hi Leah, good to have you here at the Naughty Nine! I love the heroes excerpts, it's so cool to get inside these guys' heads and learn a little more about them!

  8. Awesome Leah. I love when authors do interviews with their characters. It gives us a little bit more insight. I can't wait to get started on these two stories.
