Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday Thirteen - My 13 Favorite Pictures from RT

Having just downloaded the photos from my camera from the RT Convention, I thought I'd share my 13 favorites today!

With LB Gregg at Club RT.

With fabulous editor Angela James, after the RT Awards. She edited my winning book!

Excellent author, fellow RT Award winner, and all-around nice person Tessa Dare.

LB Gregg was my date for the awards ceremony. (That means we got in early for close-up seats. Whee!!)

Isn't it pretty? (Ignore the fingerprints.)

At the booksigning.

My view across the way at the signing - fab debut author Carolyn Crane!

My lovely roommate, Debra Parmley.

I hate to say it, but Lauren Dane and Victoria Dahl can be ... how can I put it delicately? ... troublemakers. LOL

Twitter friend Jenny stopped by the signing to see me! It was a treat to get the chance to meet her.

With reader Aimee at the Saturday luncheon.

Lucy Monroe, Lori Foster, a bunch of wonderful readers, and me!

Good food, good company, good times!


  1. I'm thrilled we were able to spend so much time together at RT, and I can't wait to see you again.

    Big hug to you, Kate. And congrats again on the award!



  2. So envious! Looks like you had a great time.

  3. LB! *tacklehugs* Hanging with you was the best part of RT, hands down. Miss you!

    Meg, so wish you could have been there! It was a hoot. We should start planning for next year - the NNNs could do something together!

  4. Great pictures. Glad you had a good time!

  5. Nice pics. Not jealous at all! ;)
