Friday, May 27, 2011

Juniper's Birthday Party Giveaway

So today's my birthday. I'm turning *ahem* years old (sorry, got a little cough right now.) I'd like to invite you all to my party. It's going to be fabulous! I hope you'll join me at this private tropical beach...

Please help yourself to some cake ...

And a glass (or several) of champagne...

Enjoy a quick game of pop the balloon...

And then it's time for presents! Not for me, I'm too *ahem* old. But for you! All you have to do is wish me Happy Birthday, and you'll be in the running for an ARC of Restraining the Receptionist, which doesn't come out until June 14.

I'm tired of waiting, I want someone to read the darn thing, so the hell with it, it's my birthday, I'll give one away if I want to!

Happy Birthday to Me! And thanks for coming to my party!

Love, Juniper


  1. Happy birthday! I hope it's a great one.

  2. Oh Happy Birthday Juniper!!!! Xoxoxo *searching for my ruler* ok now it's your turn, bend over and ready yourself for your spankings :) and Juniper I'll read whatever you want whenever you want but I want this one bad. I hope you have a great birthday.

  3. Happy,Happy Birthday. May you have a wonderful day!

  4. Happy Birthday, babe. And many happy returns.

  5. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you are having a fantastic day.

    I think I'll have a piece of cake and a glass of that champagne..and oops I just accidentally....uhmm yay accidentally..popped his balloon :D


  6. Happy Birthday Juniper! Hope you have a fabulous day. That book looks so yummy.

  7. Happy Birthday to you!
    May you be surrounded by friends & family, love & happiness, and fun & joy.
    All the best to you & yours,

  8. Katherine and Meg, thanks for the birthday wishes!

    Dawn, get the ruler out of here! ... if you spanked me the right number of times I'd be in the hospital, LOL!

    Thanks Jean and PG!

    Elaine, way to go, it's about time someone popped that balloon!

    Susan, thank you! It's been a great day so far.

  9. Happy birthday, Juniper! Hope it's a wonderful day!
    And hey, age is only a number. It doesn't really matter, right!

    By the way, now that his balloon is popped, what are the rest of us supposed to do with...him?

  10. Wait! Gotta pop the balloon first. *pop* Oh, my!

    Happy Birthday, Juniper. I really don't know that I need ANOTHER present, but would love to read your book if I do win.

    Thanks for friending me!

    Kallypso Masters on facebook and twitter

  11. Happy Birthday, Juniper! Thanks for inviting me to the party. You have some hunky helpers handing out cake! Yum!

  12. Happy birthday, Juniper! Found this blog from a retweet. Now I'm a new follower of the blot and you. :) My birthday is next Wednesday. Don't you just love being a Gemini? ;) Hope you have a fabulous birthday weekend and congrats on your new release! That cover is smokin' hot, btw. Ciao, Bella!

  13. happy birthday!! have tons of fun!!!

  14. It's your birthday but I kinda fell into the cake w/ Mr. Balloon. You do know how to throw a party. Happy Birthday and congrats on your release!

  15. Happy birthday! Hope you have an awesome day and remember that age is just a number.

    GFC follower: June M.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  16. I don't need the tropical beach (sand itches), don't drink, shouldn't eat any cake ::pout:: and currently have TWO husbands (one ex, who's recuperating from breaking his arm, and the real one) so I'll forgo popping anyone's balloon.

    But I want that book! (If not picked, I'll buy it asap!)

    Have a happy day & many spanking returns!

  17. Good news everyone -- don't worry about popping the balloon, I've got lots of guys waiting to take his place. So pop on!

    Gina -- Yay, another Gemini! Happy early birthday to you!

    Sasha - You okay in there with Mr. Balloon? You've been in there a while, LOL.

    June, I totally agree, age is nothing but a number. Although I can't dance as long as I used to, or drink as much ... but that's probably a good thing!

  18. Magdalen! You and your two husbands fascinate me. ;) Thanks for stopping by my party!

  19. Happy Birthday Juniper! *throws confetti*

    Restraining the Receptionist sounds like a great read. What an awesome party favor. I can't wait to read it.

    I hope you have a great birthday with lots of friends and family to help you celebrate.

    user1123 AT comcast DOT net


  21. Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope you had a wonderful day.

  22. Happy Birthday Juniper! Have a wonderful birthday.........

  23. Forgot my email.......

  24. Happy Birthday Juniper!
    Have fun!

  25. As we say in my family...
    Hippo Birdies, Two Ewes
    Hippo Birdies, Two Eves
    Hippo Birdies
    Hippo Birdies
    Hippo Birdies, Two Ewes
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  26. That cake looks fabulous--thanks for sharing ;) and happy birthday!

  27. Happy birthday, Juniper! Hope you had a wonderful day!

    And I just want to say I've fought through 4 internet losses this evening to get back here to comment on this post (we're having bad thunderstorms) because I cannot wait for this book! LOL I had to get my name in the ring. :D Hope you keep writing about Dana and crew for a while....loooove this series!

  28. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great one. ;)

  29. Happy Birthday to my neighbor!
    Sorry I didn't get here sooner to wish a happy one.
    We had a fire on the property below us and we have our bags and pets ready to scoot out the door if we need to.
    But you have a great evening on your day!


  30. Happy Birthday, Juniper!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for the cake...and champagne....and BALLOONS!!! (I popped mine......woohoo! :o)
    Hope you have a terrific day on your 'ahem' birthday.

  31. Happy birthday! I'm late to the party, but in Cali it's still the 27th! Oh, and as far as I recall, you're *insert ideal age* with *insert number of years* experience!

    Love ya tons.

  32. Happy Birthday! I am sincere with the birthday wishes and I really can't wait to read Restraining the Receptionist, so this is the perfect contest. Hugs to you.


  33. Thanks to everyone for the awesome birthday wishes!!! This was one of my best birthdays ever!

    I'm going to get my nephew to pick a winning number and I'll post it by the end of the day. Thanks for coming to my birthday party!!!!

    And Pommawolf .... stay safe up there!
