Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Guest Blogger MJ Fredrick - The TV Addict

I am a serious TV addict. I think TiVo is the greatest invention since pay-at-the-pump. I watch three shows on Sunday, four on Monday, three on Tuesday, five on Wednesday, four on Thursday, and two on Friday. And those are just off the top of my head.

I know a big part of it is that when I was growing up, TV was seen as relaxation time. And my mom made a big deal out of getting the fall preview TV Guide, and we’d get our baths early before the season premieres, she’d make popcorn or caramel apples, or some treat to make the night an “event.”

Part of it is that television is so good! Once Upon a Time and Terra Nova have better special effects than you’d expect, as well as touching stories. Castle has a romantic storyline to go along with its mysteries, as does Fringe. The Middle and Modern Family are hilarious. Revenge and Ringer have terrific intrigue, and I love the scenery in Revenge as well. Grey’s Anatomy is coming back after a few stumbles, and Supernatural is having one of its best seasons ever.

I learn from TV writing, and I’m inspired by it. My latest book, Guarded Hearts from Lyrical Press, was inspired by the show 24. I wondered what Jack Bauer’s daughter would be like all grown up (if she wasn’t such a twit on the show, that is). So I created a woman who wants to do good for people, but can’t stay out of the public eye. I’m not sure exactly why I made her a congresswoman. She is pure of heart ;)

When her father’s enemies (and there are many) figure out who she is and come after her, she can’t just walk away. So her father assigns her a bodyguard, a man just like him, the man she never wanted. It’s a romance, so you can figure out what happens to THAT determination ;)

But I have TV to thank for the inspiration!

What about you? Do you watch as much TV as I do? Do you wonder what if…? What are your favorite shows?


  1. Thanks so much for having me here today, ladies!

  2. Hi MJ, welcome back! I'm more into watching TV shows on DVD these days since you get to see several episodes in a row that way. Justified is a favorite. And I just discovered The Glades.

  3. Justified is my very favorite! My husband and I watch together. I love the byplay between Boyd and Raylan. I didn't get into The Glades though I like the fish out of water concept.

  4. Welcome back to the Naughty Nine MJ!
    I don't watch enough TV. I never thought I'd say that, LOL! I only get to write on evenings/weekends though and I'd rather do that than watch TV. But you're right, it can be inspiration - one of my books was inspired by an episode of Flashpoint. So really, I need to watch more!

  5. Is Flashpoint the SWAT one? I liked that show and they kept moving it around.

    I'm such a TV addict that I'd rather wake up at 4 AM to write so I can watch TV guilt-free at night!
