Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Guest Blogger Amy McCorkle - Daniel and Me

Anyone who has been to my blog or talked to me for five seconds knows of my not-so-secret love affair with all things Daniel Craig. (And not just because of when he comes up out of the water in Casino Royale either;) I like it him because he’s a good actor and he fits into the kind of character I like to write. Rugged, sexy, unapologetically just who he is, and with a hint of volatility just beneath the surface. I mean in Quantum of Solace he is full on rage and I find that very sexy. What’s that say about me? LOL.

So when my hero from Another Way To Die, Daniel Logan, started talking to me I knew what he sounded like and looked like and my imagination was off to the races. I listened to Youtube and watched several James Bond/Daniel Craig fanvids when composing the tale. He was delish to look at but it was difficult not to fall in love with hero because by the end of it I didn’t want to leave him.

At the beginning of the story he kidnaps the heroine, Almira Sands to save his tail and protect her. It doesn’t take long for either of them to recognize the other as the person who changed the other’s life. Over the course of the story they must work together to put an end to her father’s dark reign of terror over their lives.

Now, there are scenes where Daniel Logan is naked and let me just say he is full on delish to fantasize about. But alas he isn’t real and the real world is want to intrude *giggle. I am happy to say Another Way To Die will be available on January 20th from MuseItUp Publishing and is available for pre-order now.

Amy McCorkle was born and raised in Louisville, KY. She has lived in New Mexico and Texas as well but she currently makes her home in Mount Washington. An award-winning blogger, she is also a successful author with No Ordinary Love and the upcoming release, Another Way To Die. She also has been contracted for GLADIATOR a Mad Max meets Gladiator series set to be a trilogy.

Her work is flavored by her childhood heroes, pop culture, music, and the cinema as well as the writers she still enjoys reading today. She can be contacted through her blog http://Creative-Chatter.blogspot.com, http://Twitter.com/Kate_Lynd, and her Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001053271003.
If you wish to contact her you can find her at her website http://AmyLMcCorkleKentuckyAuthor.webs.com. She tries to respond to everyone personally.


  1. Amy, loved reading about the invention of your hero. :) He sounds tres sexy! Congrats on your new release!


  2. Thank you for stopping by and Daniel Logan was a lot of fun to write for.

  3. Congrats, Amy! Daniel sounds like a fabulous hero!

  4. Hi Amy! Welcome to the Naughty Nine! I share your love of Daniel Craig and your hero sounds equally sexy!!

  5. I love your hero. This book is going on my TBR list.

  6. Welcome to the Naughty Nine, Amy! Count me in on the Daniel Craig obsession. Can't wait to get to know your Daniel better! Congratulations on your release!

  7. Congrats on the new book and upcoming series Amy!

  8. Daniel Craig nom nom nom. Cranky bastard (hate hearing movie stars bitch about how hard the public eye is) but I love him to pieces anyway.
