Friday, January 27, 2012

This Post Has No Title

Yep, that's right. No title. 'Cause I'm just that out of ideas. Blame it on the move from hell. Blame it on the migraine from hell. Blame it on depression or an excess amount of stress, or, you know, whatever.  But never mind that.  On with the post...

I took a day off this week. I mean really off. You know how people like to say that some days are just not worth getting out of bed for? That was Wednesday. I woke up with a headache (the aforementioned migraine) that I just knew was going to get worse, and I decided nothing was going to be gained by my getting up. So I didn't. And it was nice. It gave me a much-needed break and a chance to re-charge my creative batteries a little bit...or at least I like to think it did.

Anyway, that's what today's post is all about: taking a break, re-filling the creative well, all that good stuff. And, since a picture's worth a thousand words (and because, frankly, my brain's not yet up to speed anyway) I'm using pictures to make my point. Specifically, I'm using the pictures created by Julian Beever...

Julian Beever does the most amazing pavement art. Things like this:

Or this: 

Or this:

 I have to admit I love the "behind the scenes" shots just as much. I love knowing how things work. I love the magic involved in crafting illusions. Because that's really what art is all about, isn't it? Creating something that your mind or your heart or your eyes can believe in--if only for a little while.

So I love knowing that this...

Also looks like this...

Or this...

Looks like this:

To see more, check out the website at: And TGIF. Happy weekend, everyone!

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