Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Guest Blogger Natasha Moore - It’s Not the Age, It’s the Attitude

Birthdays come around every year and it seems the older we get, the less we like to be reminded that we’re another year older. When we’re little kids, we can’t wait for another birthday, can’t wait to get older because older meant better, meant we could do all the things we’re told we’re not old enough to do yet.

Then…we get older. And suddenly all of life’s responsibilities mean we can’t always do those things we look forward to. I don’t know about you, but I can so relate. It’s hard not to sometimes resent those day to day tasks that take up so much time. And to resent the fact that as a responsible adult, I can’t blow off the things I need to do for those I want to do. For some things I’ve never even had the chance to do.

In Birthday Girl, which releases today from Samhain, Shannon is turning thirty and it’s a pretty traumatic birthday for her. She’s resenting it big time. It’s up to her husband Tyler to come up with the perfect gift to pull her out of her funk. The blurb sums it up really well:

For Shannon, turning thirty means getting serious. Responsible. Old. She can’t help dreading the day she has to leave her spontaneous, crazy, young self-image behind. Then there are all those unfulfilled items on her to-do list, like that threesome she and her husband, Ty, used to fantasize about. It fell by the wayside, right along with their neglected bag of sex toys.

Her birthday dinner starts out like any other…then her present arrives at the table. Marc, an old college friend, whose edgy persona tickles her in all the right places. And that’s not all. Ty’s reserved a room at Paolo’s Playhouse—for all three of them.

By the time the playroom door closes behind them, Ty and Marc’s intimate touches and wicked whispers have roused her hormones to a fever pitch. But when kiss comes to nipple clamps, Shannon’s not sure she has the courage to step off the edge of fantasy and fall headlong into reality…

Of course, since this is #3 in the Paolo’s Playhouse series, there’s going to be some hot sex, as well as all the emotions involved in what many people would think of as a forbidden situation, even if it’s arranged by a loving husband. I really loved the way the story came together and I think it’s a good reminder that no matter what birthday is coming up…it’s not the age, it’s the attitude that counts.


  1. Hi, Natasha! Birthday Girl sounds fun. And as someone with a birthday coming up soon, I can really relate. :)

    I'm pretty certain my birthday will be a lot more sedate than Shannon's, however. lol!

  2. Hey PG! Happy Birthday! You can read Shannon's story and pretend :)

  3. Congrats on the release. It sounds like another great one!

  4. Welcome to the Naughty Nine Natasha!! This book sounds GREAT!! Congrats on the new release!

  5. Thanks for having me as your guest today, Kelly :)

  6. Oooh, another Natasha Moore, book! That's a cause to celebrate in and of itself! I love the idea behind this one, can't wait to read it. Congrats!

  7. Hey Juniper! Great to see you :)Thanks!
