Friday, March 9, 2012

How Far Would You Go?

What is one to do when a favorite (actor/writer/director/creative person in general) goes in a direction that maybe isn't your cuppa?

I've been pondering this lately, as my favorite actor has a new movie out today. I've followed him from a soap to a sitcom, and been interested in his stage work as well (though never lucky to see any of it in person). But his new movie is (gulp) a horror film. And I absolutely, positively, unequivocally, avoid horror movies like damn and whoa.

So I'm stuck between wanting to see him on the big screen, and wanting to crawl under a big fluffy comforter and forget the movie exists.

Now, I'm sure he's great in the film. (Yeah, I'm biased. But that's what being a fangirl is all about, right?) But can I sit through an hour and a half of horror to experience it?

This has happened in my reading life, too, on a different scale. A favorite author in one genre switches to another genre I don't usually read. Sometimes I'll follow; sometimes, the switch is too drastic and I find their books falling off my auto-buy list.

Of course, this is all on me. Anyone in the creative arts has the absolute right to follow their muse wherever it takes them, and doing something different - even 180-degrees different - may be exactly the right thing to do creatively, professionally, and personally. And for every viewer/reader/fan who just can't bring themselves to go there as well, there are plenty more who may be thrilled to discover someone new in THEIR favorite genre.

And I also have to remind myself that being too closed off to trying something new - even if it's something I've avoided in the past - can keep me from discovering new favorites as well.

So I'll be going to see the film, even though I'll spend most of it cowering in my seat peeking through my fingers. I may regret it, but I think I'll regret it more if I don't give it a chance.

What about you? How far would you go - genre-wise - to support a favorite writer/actor/creative type?


  1. I try to follow any creative artist whom I admire for as far as I can. I don't always succeed, of course, but I try. Sometimes this leads to a let-down, but sometimes I find wonderful new things. What it boils down to is, genre/media aside, I'll follow to the best of my ability until I feel said creative artist has let me down. That's completely subjective, of course. My let-down threshhold will naturally be completely different from every other individual out there. And it's not like that creative artist couldn't potentially win me back. That's (almost) always a possibility. However, I don't consider it to be their resposibility to do so or even to try. I'm one person and I certainly don't expect to be catered to directly and individually. It's the nature of the beast that is creativity: you win some, you lose some.

    (Wow. That rambled more than I expected. All those inversions at the aerials studio must've gotten lots of blood to my brain and woken it up but good! LOL)

  2. Kate, you are a WAY better fan-girl than I would be. Cross over into something I don't like-- I'm probably going to wave goodbye (wishing you well, though!) If it's something I *might* like, I'll try it. But horror is a no go for me.

    I'm sure I'm missing some great stuff with this attitude, but I also have limited time and money and not enough of either to even enjoy all the things I know I will love! *G*

  3. I usually try to follow the author/actor/artist but not all the time does it work for me. BUT I did follow an author over into romance and that how I found my new passion for reading so I say give it a try you never know. Best of luck n let us know how the movie goes ;) xoxo

  4. I usually try to follow the author/actor/artist but not all the time does it work for me. BUT I did follow an author over into romance and that how I found my new passion for reading so I say give it a try you never know. Best of luck n let us know how the movie goes ;) xoxo

  5. I'm don't care who the actor is or how much I love him/her, a horror movie is a "never-gonna-happen" situation.

    What's the movie?
