Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beautiful Bar Harbor

Master Chef and I traveled down to Maine last week to explore the popular east coast tourist spot. The place was packed and interesting to navigate with people crisscrossing the street at random, darting between the tons of shops and restaurants. I don't think I've ever come across so many lobster pounds/boils in one place, and being from Atlantic Canada that's saying something. Definitely a seafood lover's place.

During our camping trip we took a two hour cruise on a 4 masted, 150 foot long schooner, where I resisted the urge to throw Master Chef overboard for kicking my ass at mini golf. You'd think I hold grudges since the loss happened days before this, but in the end I controlled the impulse. I'm sure he thought of tossing me overboard at least once for beating him to the finish line when we raced go carts earlier in the week. He likes to mumble something about slowing down so I could catch up with him, but I think that's just to mask his surprise that I flew past him around the last corner.

After the sail, where I missed the only harbor seal appearance (when we were still at the dock no less) we took a drive up Cadallaic Mountain and the view up there is awesome! 

Since Master Chef and I are a wee bit competitive when it comes goofing around, so naturally we had to see who could build the biggest fire during our two nights of camping.

Yes, his fire was the slight more robust one on top, however, as I mentioned to Master Chef before he broke into a happy dance, the pic of his fire was taken right after he dropped a box on it and the flames greedily gobbled it up. I suspect he thinks I'm a sore loser for some reason. :)

One of the most interesting parts of the trip was coming home and discovering someone else had moved in while we were gone. Yes, that is a ground hog poking his head out to investigate Master Chef mowing the lawn. Any tips on getting rid of him?


  1. My brother and his family just took my mother a little over a week ago. She brought me back a shirt that says "Baa Haba". This was great because I have a friend from Massachusetts that we tease all the time. She said her and her husband's favorite place to visit is Baa Haba.

  2. LOL There was a drink on one of the menu's that was called Baa Haba Mama. Cracked me up.
