Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Guest Blogger Eva LeFoy - Nine Naughty Inspirations

Since it’s my first time here (thanks for having me, ladies!) I thought I’d start out kind of easy on ya’ll. No kink, no risqué photos…. Well, maybe just a few!! But I figured why not show a few things that over the years have inspired my imagination – some of them more than once, heh – and see if anybody else feels the same way. I mean, I don’t exist in a closet, right?

Hello? Gosh, it got dark in here all the sudden!

Okay, here we go:

1. Chocolate. Yeah, this is a pretty easy one, especially when paired with # 2. I mean, what’s not to like about deep rich dark chocolate – IMO the darker the better, over 80% rocks! – to soothe a girl’s nerves? Does chocolate inspire your fantasies?

2. Wine. *hic* Red wine preferably, especially in the winter, which is just now ending. I’m lucky to live a wine area with about 500 wineries! Yep. It’s wine city. My favorites are Syrah and Merlot, but I’m not too fond of Cab Sauv. It’s too…oaky. Wine is awfully relaxing, and has that nice warming effect. Note: too much doesn’t make a writer very productive though! Zzzzzz….

3. Hiking. No, I’m not wandering in my backyard drinking wine and eating chocolate, and thinking I’m in another place, I’m talking hiking UP and OVER, huffing and puffing and sweating like the dickens. Yep. Sometimes just getting from here to there is worth the journey because along the way your mind just gets real quiet. You enter this kind of… meditative state I guess I’d call it. It’s a brain refresher, and that’s oh so helpful when you’re writing. How is hiking naughty? Well, it’s naughty if you know you have to be back at work in fifteen minutes and you just keep going….

4. Okay, enough of the easy stuff. I’m just gonna lay it on ya: Star Trek. Yep. I’m a Trekkie. Have always been, since I was a little kid. Over the years, ST TOS, TNG Voyager and DS9 have fueled all sorts of fantasies in my pea brain. Yes, a lot of them were naughty. How could they not be? I mean, all those alien species and their parts to consider…. Not to mention all the tight uniforms.

5. Jane Austen men. What? That’s seems like an about-face I’m sure. I write hot foodie romance with sex and I read straight-laced historicals? Yes! And I have to say the men that play those roles are just downright yummeh! I’m still on the fence in the Matthew Macfadyen versus Colin Firth debate of who played the better Darcy. But I say, don’t neglect the other cuties in the BBC versions of Persuasion and Sense and Sensibility. Even though they’re blond … which is just so very tragic IMO … they are quite inspirational.

6. Reading what other authors write, even in other genres. I don’t write for Harlequin at the moment, but sometimes nothing but a Harlequin Presents will do. You know what I mean? True, most the guys are asshats from page one, but the stories are just so…well they draw you in. That’s all I have to say about that. Also Sherrilyn Kenyon has some great paranormal stuff out that certainly feeds the imagination. Ahem…

7. Movies. Sometimes it’s the actor that’s *hot* like Hugh Jackman, or sometimes it’s the movie sex/seduction scene that’s steamy – think Blade Runner. Either way, movies can be a great way to get your inspiration going. My favorite movie as of late is Skyfall, with the sexy (even though blond!) Daniel Craig. I liked him even better in Casino Royale though. Also, some of the Hobbit characters are quite interesting…

8. Music! The inspiration for my book Sweet Cravings was actually the Timbaland and Justin Timberlake music video, Carry Out. Really! I can’t help but get naughty ideas about food and sex every time I watch it. I dare you not to!

9. That brings me to the end! Maddening, isn’t it? Well for number nine I’d have to say reader comments. I mean, they sometimes just nail it and other times they leave me giggling. I love to read the reviews on the other book I have out, Tentacles – the ones where they say they were shouting at the screen. Yes! It makes me squee!

So that’s some of things that inspire me to write down all my dirty thoughts and share them with others. I hope I can inspire readers and writers to find enjoyment in books, and to take a hike now and then. I’ll bring the wine! 

Thanks for reading!

And BTW if you read M/M romance, I’ll have a 1NS out from Decadent Publishing this fall set in exciting, fast-paced Mumbai, India. In the meantime, I’m working on a western. Check out my blog for sneak peeks.
Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.

Sweet Cravings Riding the waves of a sugar high, Violet Cunningham seduces the town’s newest pastry chef, slathering him with whipped cream in his secret kitchen. But all that is made of sugar melts, and her brazenness vanishes soon after their tryst, leaving her battling old insecurities about her waistline and appetites, courtesy of her mother. Positive she’s only made a fool of herself, she’s mortified when her boss sends her back to sexy Chef Max’s kitchen and into the proverbial frying pan.

After a red-hot date, her chef disappears, and Violet’s emotions simmer to a boil, forcing her to confront the awful truth: there’s more to life than pastry.

Genre: Contemporary, erotic romance, rubenesque, foodie romance, BBW

Buy Link: http://www.decadentpublishing.com/product_info.php?products_id=738


  1. Hey everybody, so great to be here! Thanks for hosting me NNN.

  2. always fun to read about sex and food!

  3. You had me at Trekkie, LOL. Great list.

  4. I totally agree with all of those, Eva, some in combination! And guess what? I'm watching Star Trek (2009) right now. *grins* Tentacles? Um, haven't gone there yet. LOL All the best!


  5. What a fun post, Eva! I love this story!

    All the best!

  6. Wine and chocolate just go so well together, need I say more? And with Star Trek tossed in as a bonus what girl could resist?

    I actually met Leonard Nimoy at the tiny airport here in town when I was about four. He signed my mom's grocery list.

    I think it may have started me on my life of crime....er.. romance!

  7. Whoo-hoo, Eve. Enjoyed learning nine things about you! Chocolate and wine = I can totally be down with that!
