Monday, April 15, 2013

The Promise Harbor Authors

If you've been following Kelly, Meg, Erin and I around on our Blog Tour, you already know some of the behind the scenes stuff on how we brainstormed The Promise Harbor Wedding series or a little of how we wrote the books with overlapping scenes and time frames. Then there were the fun posts about town gossip and what not to do at a wedding.

Today I figured I share a few tidbits I learned about the authors behind this series while working with them. :)

Kelly - Is an absolute trooper. She took on the challenge of writing the first book knowing the pressure involved with being the lead book in a new series. She's also a fearless brainstormer. We tossed around a lot of ideas about this series (including what we would call the town) and anyone who can suggest Cape Grouper without hesitation is fearless :)

Meg - Is a lot more laid back when it comes to worrying about the small stuff than I am. I'm pretty sure she's the only reason I managed to keep a leash on my need to spreadsheet and pie graph all the people in Promise Harbor, what they were doing and when. :)  I also know that Meg needs to cook for me someday. Between the original series idea of a family-run restaurant and the fact that Greta in Bolted is a fantastic cook, I just know Meg would make a meal that's to die for.

Erin - Is more sarcastic than I am. If you've read my books you know I'm a huge fan of banter between the hero and heroine. I love movies that have great one-liners and love delivering them myself. But if I had to go head to head with Erin, I'm pretty sure she'd slay me every single time. Okay, so I didn't know that just from working on this series, but I did realize that like Meg and Kelly, Erin is also easy to work with and we all had a lot of fun.

And since Busted releases tomorrow (yay) here's the blurb :)

His game…Her rules

Hockey star Jackson Knight has a hundred reasons not to return to Promise Harbor, but none of them are good enough to get him out of attending his best friend’s wedding. Even with a career-ending knee injury, every puck-bunny in town will be gunning for him.

Worse, getting a pair of cuffs slapped on him at the bachelor party could ruin any chance of getting back in the game, even as a coach. Unless he can convince the arresting officer to smooth things over—by going to the wedding as his date.

Hayley Stone figures posing as Jackson’s girlfriend is the least she can do to salvage his reputation. Plus, having a man with a toe-curling smile on her arm will keep her ex off her back.

What starts as a simple plan to deflect small-town pot-shots unexpectedly becomes a sizzling night that hits Jackson like a full-body-check to the heart. Now he’s determined to prove that she’s the best of reason of all to come home—for good.

Warning: Contains a fiery powerplay both on and off the ice, skin-tingling forced intimacy, interfering grandparents, bear costume hijinks, a haunted house and the kind of game-changing chemistry worth fighting for.

Visit my Website to read the first chapter!


  1. lol! This is great Syd and just reminded me again of all the fun we had with this!

    Congrats on the release!!


  2. Gee, I'll have to tell my kids I'm laid back--they're convinced I'm the original Uptight Mom! LOL Congrats, sweetie.

  3. LOL! Fearless! That's me. Well when it comes to brainstorming no idea is a bad idea, right??

    Yay for Busted being released!
