Monday, May 6, 2013

OMG! RT was so great!

So this is the first blog post after seven of the nine NNN returned from the Romantic Times Convention (RT)!

I’m actually writing this two weeks before RT, anticipating being too tired and brain dead from the week-long convention to actually consider sitting down and putting together a decent blog post.

But I don’t want to ignore the fact that we just attended RT.   We love this convention!  This is the 3rd time since the NNN was formed that we’ve gotten together there and it’s always a good time (cue the Carly Ray Jepson music).  So I felt pretty comfortable doing this post ahead of time and just filling in the blanks when I get back.  Or not.  I’m pretty sure this is exactly how it’s going to go.

Oh my gosh!  The Romantic Times Convention in Kansas City was so amazing this year!

PG Forte, Skylar Kade, Kelly Jamieson, Meg Benjamin, Kinsey Holley, Juniper Bell and I all got together for six days of talking, laughing, partying, meeting new people and having a ball!

We got to hang out with  [insert amazing author #1’s name here] and [amazing author #2’s name here] and [amazing author #3’s name here].

We passed out tons of promo about our books, including the Promise Harbor Wedding series!  [insert photo of promo table here].

We drank and laughed and drank some more.  [insert photo of Kinsey and Skylar grinning drunkenly for the camera] [insert photo of Meg holding up a wine glass]

We rolled our eyes every time someone told Kelly they liked her shoes [insert photo of Kelly and one of her pairs of shoes] [insert another photo of shoes]

We all participated in the book signings—both ebook and print book [insert photo of Juniper.  Be sure not to accidentally put Jennifer Bernard’s picture up.  They look so much alike it’s always confuses me…]

The funniest thing happened!  [insert funny story involving Big Time Author and the ridiculousness that ensued around her]

We sang karaoke with the Cover Models and the Smutketeers [insert photo (NOT AUDIO) of the Cover Model Karaoke Event. Make sure to include a picture of how *crowded* the room is!]  [insert photo of PG up on the table leading the group in Walking On Sunshine]

And then there was the [insert funny story]
And the [insert second funny story]
And of course the [third funny story]
And we’ll never forget the [insert photo]
And the [insert photo]

It was a fabulous time and we’re already planning for next year in New Orleans (you all know how much we love New Orleans! :))  Hope you can be there with us! 

It’s always A Good Time!

[insert photo of all of us with Kim]


  1. Amazing! That's EXACTLY how it went down, including the famous author story!!!

  2. OMG! Perfect! And I probably have pictures of everything listed except the promo table. And that really upsets me. I think I have one of everything. Send me Kinsey's table cloth and the banner and I will take a picture.

  3. It's almost like I was there! :)

    Thanks for the fabulous write-up. Just perfect!
