Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Guest Blogger Katriena Knights - Romantic Reunions

Reuniting with a lost love is something many of us have thought about. Whether it was someone you were attached to in your adolescence or someone with whom you had a long-term, serious relationship, it’s inevitable that at some time in you’re life you’ll wonder what could have been, or what could be if you and that lost love found your way to each other again.

My latest release, As If You Never Left Me, from Crimson Romance, explores that idea in more than one way. In the book, Joely must decide if she wants to return to Rey, her almost-ex husband, when he appears in her life again asking for a second chance. If they’re going to make a new start, they must get past the pain and the hurt they inflicted upon each other during their marriage and find the love that drew them together in the first place.

As If You Never Left Me is a new/old book, in that it was originally published several years ago by Ellora’s Cave (I originally wrote it under my pen name, Elizabeth Jewell). So when I decided to submit it to a new publisher, I also had to go back to a story that had already played out and decide if I wanted to revisit that past, those emotions, and the relationship I’d had with that story and those characters. Going back to an old story also often brings up emotions having to do with what was going on in my real life during the time when I originally wrote it. That was also a difficult thing for me. In the end, though, I decided the book deserved another opportunity to be out and about in the world to find new readers who might enjoy this story of rediscovered love.

Katriena Knights is the author of over thirty published novels, short stories and novellas under four names, including Elizabeth Jewell and KC Myers. Her latest novel, As If You Never Left Me, is now available from Crimson Romance. http://www.crimsonromance.com/crimson-romance-ebooks/crimson-romance-book-genres/spicy-romance-novels/as-if-you-never-left-me/ Katriena can also be found at her website at katrienaknights.com, her blog at katrienaknights.blogspot.com, or on Twitter at twitter.com/crazywritinfool


  1. Welcome to the Naughty Nine, Katriena! What a pretty cover. I totally love reunited lovers stories!

  2. Hey, Katriena. Interesting publishing history here. I'm glad you decided to revisit!
