Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I Mustache You A Question...

Last week, my coworker was out sick for several days. When he returned, he looked different - a little paler, perhaps, or he'd changed his glasses? I noticed that he'd cut himself shaving, but other than that, I couldn't figure it out.

It wasn't until someone else commented on his appearance that I realized the significance of the little cut above his lip.

He'd cut himself shaving.

His goatee was gone.

Now, I fully admit that I'm not always the most observant person. But not noticing his facial hair was no more? Pretty bad, even for me.

(Although my husband will sometimes tell people he's shaved his mustache when they ask why he looks different. He hasn't had a mustache since before we met. He might have worn his contacts instead of glasses that day, though.)

Coworker is starting to grow back his goatee already. And I, for one, am glad. How else am I supposed to recognize him? Erm, except for those times I don't even notice the facial hair - or lack thereof.

Your thoughts - beards? Goatees? Mustaches? Five o'clock shadow? Or no facial hair at all?


  1. My hubs has had the same moustache for many, many, many years. Hell, I'm not sure I'd recognize him without it.

  2. I like a clean shaven face myself! On the right guy a 5 o'clock shadow may look good but otherwise I don't like facial hair.

  3. Generally, I'm a big fan of stubble. But really, it depends on the face. And the beard growth. This is NOT a one-size-fits-all situation.

  4. PG is right. My hubs had a moustache for YEARS and I finally convinced him they were kinda out of style, so he shaved it off. It was weird at first, but now I look at old pictures of him and I think HOW did we stand that big hairy thing on his lip!!

    I love stubble too and when hubs doesn't shave on the weekends I like it, except...his stubble is turning grey. Doesn't look quite the same...

  5. I'm a 5 o'clock shadow girl and love weekend stubble :)
