Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Comfort Reads

There are some days I want to read something exciting and new, a new-to-me author or a book that's waiting patiently on my TBR pile. Then there are the times I need a comfort read.

Sometimes it's a seasonal thing. Colder weather and longer nights make me want to cocoon. Other times, I'm feeling a bit out of sorts or blue, and a comfort read helps me get back some equilibrium.

Even books I haven't read before can be comfort reads, just by virtue of the author. (I guess that would make them comfort authors?) A series I love has a new book out. I find a backlist title by a favorite writer. Latching onto the familiar and loved can be such a wonderful thing.

And then, when I've "treated" myself with a comfort read or five, I'm ready to dive back into the new and unexplored.

Do you have comfort reads/comfort authors? If so, share!


  1. Weird. Normally I can tell who wrote a post even if the avi/byline doesn't appear, but for this one I can't.

    I don't reread books very often but, like you, my go-to authors are comfort reads because I know I will be cozy and happy reading them.

    I take that first part back - the one time I do reread a book is if a sequel is coming out and I don't recall enough of the previous book. I'm doing that with Tad Williams' Bobby Dollar (urban fantasy - angels and demons) series. Loved The Dirty Streets of Heaven, had to wait over a year for the sequel. So no Happy Hour in Hell is out but I have to reread TDSOH - and I'm loving it all over again.

  2. This was Miss Kate!

    My go-to reread is always Jennifer Crusie and Rachel Gibson. They were some of my first romance books, and the stories + nostalgia is sometimes just so necessary.
