Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Book Club: Our Favorite Authors

Welcome back to Friday Book Club!

This week it's all about our favorite authors. You know, the authors we'll preorder or buy their new book the day it's released. Authors we'll stay up into the wee hours of the night to read, promising ourselves we'll go to bed after just one more chapter. Authors who've cheered us up, made us laugh, brought us to tears, made our heart race or just plain forget everything outside of the world the author has created.

We'll read them in bed, at the beach, on the way to work, at the doctor's office, in the tub, anywhere we can squeeze in a few pages because we just have to know what's coming next.

So lets talk about who your favorite authors are. Are you still reading the same ones you did when you first started reading? What are some of your all time I'd-want-it-on-a-deserted-island-with-me books?

Next month it's all about Paranormal Romance!


  1. Some of my favorite authors would have to be Nalini Singh, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Tara Janzen, Kresley Cole, Karen Marie Moning...I'm drawing a blank already LOL Judith McNaught's Perfect was my first romance book, and although it's loaded with Big Misunderstandings, it'll always be a favorite.

  2. My new favorite is Sherry Thomas. She does Victorian romances and I read them on our trip to Texas. Ravishing the Heiress kept me glued to my Kindle--I read it in a day during the trip from Lubbock back home to Denver.

  3. I've heard about her books, Meg, but it's been a while since I've read an historical. I made need to check her out.:)

  4. I've heard good things about Sherry Thomas too, and been thinking I should pick up a couple of historicals. I do enjoy them, but with little time to read, I always go to my first choice of contemporary. As for who I auto buy...these days it's kind of changing. Used to be Lori Foster. Erin McCarthy. Jill Shalvis. I still like them. I'm finding some of my auto-buy authors are feeling kind of all the same lately... I guess I'd buy anything Shannon McKenna puts out. And Tara Janzen---but WHEN WILL SHE HAVE ANOTHER BOOK OUT? I so miss those Steele Street guys!

  5. Lorelei James is a must for me along with Vivian Arend, Cat Johnson. Seeing a theme here? Yes, they all write cowboy romance. It's not all I read but definitely a favorite. I also read and love Erin Nicholas, Kelly Jamieson, Lillian Hart. Wow too many to mention all. Sorry to all those I missed. Depends what I'm in the mood for. I don't read very many historicals or paranormal. I love series where I can catch up with characters I love.

  6. Neil Gaimen and Terry Pratchett and Loretta Chase - have never and probably will never read anything by any of them that I don't love.

    Christopher Moore - only 1 or 2 of his I haven't loved. (I want to use a quote from one of his books in the opening of one of my WW books. Hope I can.)

    Was a time years ago where I had to read everything Amanda Quick/Jayne Ann Krentz published but I got burned out.

    I'm reading three really good books right now - plan to write about them for my Wednesday blog date.

  7. Oh yeah Kinsey, ditto on the Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick - definitely used to be auto buy.

    And THANK YOU Laura!
