Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Book Club: Paranormal Romance

Vampires, werewolves and ghosts...Oh my.

With Halloween right around the corner we thought it was time to talk about our favorite paranormal romances. Whether you're a sucker for vampires or sometimes feel like howling at the moon (hey, we've all had days like that, no judgement here) there's no denying the enduring popularity of this genre.

From alpha males determined to claim their mates, to magic-wielding witches and vampires who'll do anything for the seductive taste of blood (unless you're Rock Fangsworthy)  fans just can't get enough.

So what keeps pulling you back to reading paranormal romances? Do you love stories of shifters on the hunt for their mates? Have you been gobbling up every vampire romance you can get since Twilight, or have you always been a fan? Or maybe you like something a little less popular with angels and demons or ghosts? And what are your favorite paranormal romances and authors?


  1. World-building draws me in more than any specific creature, and Marjorie M. Liu is a master at it! I devour everything she writes.

  2. I've always loved paranormal but I'm incredibly picky. For every angel, vampire or shifter that I love, there are probably a dozen I can't stand based on the world the author has built or the "rules" she's following.

    Rock and Buffi are still the best. lol!

  3. Eve Silver's Egyptian Book of the Dead books are good. I'm not much of a vampire fan (sorry PG), though.

  4. I don't know if I can contribute much to this. Most of the paranormal books I've read belong to 9NN authors - Kinsey, PG, Sydney...haven't got to Meg's ghost stories yet... It's not my go-to genre but these ladies write great stories, with awesome characters and fantastic worlds.

  5. The problem with such popular genres is that it attracts everyone who's trying to catch a wave, so there's always gonna be a lot of crap. And even much of the stuff that isn't crap is terribly derivative.

    I think she lost her contract (which is a damn shame) but Allison Pang's series (starting with A Brush of Darkness) is genuinely original and fun.

  6. Not my go-to either and most of my paranormal library are 9NN too :) but I did REALLY enjoy the Accidental Series by Dakota Cassidy (Accidentally Dead, the Accidental Werewolf, etc). Funny, quirky... (but WAY overpriced for e-books... just sayin')
