Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Book Club: Mount TBR

It sneaks up on you.

You don't even notice at first. You barely think about having an extra one. Or two. Before you know it, five more have shown up and you still can't stop yourself. You want more. You need more.

Shelves are creaking, your device is threatening memory overload, but the compulsion to add to your collection is not easily held in check. And who could blame you? Everywhere you look another one is recommended, another you've been waiting for is finally available. And some are just too good of a deal to pass up.

The next thing you know, they're everywhere. Waiting to be started, half finished, samples skimmed. You can't walk into a room or turn on your device without your To-Be-Read pile threatening to eat you alive.

You try to keep up.

Dust bunnies are left to multiply under the couch. Dishes linger in the sink. Arguments are made for why it's okay for your kids to wear mismatched socks when the laundry gets away from you.

You finish a few books you enjoyed, savor the precious handful you adored and have already forgotten the ones you could barely get through. For a brief time you manage to tame your TBR pile.

But deep down you know it's inevitable. Like a child not wanting to get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, you bide your time until you're driven to borrow or buy another book. Just one though. One more couldn't hurt...

What was the last book you rescued from your TBR pile? Was it a new-to-you-author or an old favorite? How big is your TBR pile? Inquiring minds want to know. :)


  1. A Kasey Michaels historical, What a Lady Needs. I liked it. My TBR pile is mainly digital and there are a lot of books on my Kindle I grabbed and now don't remember why!

  2. I don't have a huge TBR pile. I buy carefully, only one or two (or maybe three!) books at a time, usually ones I really want to read.

  3. Im ashamed to say how big my TBR list is! The last I read was Brenda Novaks Dundee Idaho series. Id had them forever but forgot about them!
