Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Guest Blogger Dena Garson - Using the Senses

A big thank you to the Nine Naughty Novelists for letting me stop by today.

I’ve always been told that it’s important to focus on the five senses as you write in order to draw the reader into your story. Sight is often the easiest to describe. How large or small things are and where they are in relation to the hero or heroine. Colors of items add dimension. Sounds are common. Are things loud or soft? And the feel of things can be helpful. Soft or hard, hot or cold, sharp or squishy. Did the character follow his or her nose to something? And how did that pie taste?

What’s important is the character’s reaction to the things around them. What feelings did it evoke? What did the stimulus make them want to do?

As an example, what do you think of when you read this list?
  1. Desert sun
  2. Footsteps on a stone floor
  3. A lover’s touch
  4. Fragrant herbs
  5. Body oil
  6. An animal pelt
  7. Heartbeat
  8. Sand
  9. Medicine
  10. Breath across skin

Desert sun probably made you think hot, maybe even dry. But what is your heroine’s reaction to that dry heat? Is she sweating profusely? Are large drops rolling down her brow, maybe even down her back? Is it making her tired and cranky? Or is she soaking up the warmth as she tries to catch as many rays as possible?

Were the footsteps on the stone floor made by bare feet or high heeled sandals or maybe even cowboy boots with spurs? And are they slow, stealthy footsteps or rushed? Perhaps even angry stomps. And how does your hero react to the sound? Does he go on high alert? Or does he wait to see what she may (or may not) be wearing with those stiletto heels?

Fragrant herbs. Did your character just walk into a greenhouse where a variety of plants are being grown? What other odors might be there? Damp soil? Fertilizer? Maybe the herbs are from the incense burning in the corner of an antique bookstore. Does it trigger your heroine’s allergies? Or are the herbs in the spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove? Did it make the hero’s stomach rumble? And does it remind him of Sunday dinners at his grandmother’s house?

Breath across skin. Where does the heroine feel it on her body? Her cheek as the hero skims his lips across? The back of her neck as the werewolf closes in for the kill? Her ankle as the fuzzy puppy nudges closer? And is she excited, scared, or motherly because of it?

I think you get my meaning. What your hero or heroine feels is what your reader will “feel.” And we want them feeling A LOT to keep them vested in the story.

Now… I’m curious to know how many of the items in the list you find inside my new book, Mystic’s Touch, and what they make YOU feel. Drop me a line and let me know!

When Prince Ceros returns home to take his place on the throne, he falls prey to a mysterious malady that leaves him unable to speak or move, though his thoughts and awareness remain intact. Danet, a talented healer, realizes the prince is alert inside his body. The two are able to share thoughts telepathically. Unfortunately her connection with Ceros may bring unwanted attention to her abilities and result in her banishment from the city.

Their unique bond grows as Danet races to find a remedy for the prince’s condition. Desire turns to love, which makes Danet fear for their future when he awakens. They seek out the villain attempting to take the throne and endeavor to find a way to stay together.

Inside Scoop: Ceros’ secret shifter status adds complication and intrigue to their budding romance.

Mystic’s Touch Buy Links:

Book Trailer Video:  http://youtu.be/4rcPumYSe5w

About Dena:

Dena Garson loves to read romance—the hotter the better. When one of her BFFs said “one of us should be writing this stuff”, she took up the challenge. If she isn’t writing, she’s designing jewelry but somehow she still manages to make it into the office on a regular basis.

You can find Dena on the web at:
Dena’s Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Blog | Ellora’s Cave | Amazon Author Page

<  =  =  GIVEAWAY  =  =  >

To celebrate the release of Mystic’s Touch, I’m giving away lots of goodies. There will be ebooks, a Dena Garson gift basket, a grab bag of author promo items, a Love: Defined necklace, Naughty/Nice earrings, and a swirl ring made by Designs By Jewelee. See my blog for more info. The drawings will be held at the end of the book tour on March 3rd.

You can enter more than once! Follow this link to Rafflecopter:


  1. Thanks for letting drop by today!

  2. Congrats on your release Dena and thanks for stopping by. Mystic's Touch sound very intriguing!

  3. Dena, this was a great post! I tend to get fixated on a couple particular senses in a given WIP and have to layer in the rest :)

    Happy new release!

  4. Bookmarking this post for future reference! Thanks, Dena!
