Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ten Things I Miss About Summer

It never fails that every February I start to get a little stir crazy. I'm sick of the cold, the snow, the shorter days and...did I mention the cold? It's hard not to think about warm weather or heading away on vacation (hello Florida) this time of year, even though I know that by the end of July, I'll be missing the cooler temperatures. So just to torture myself (and you too) I thought I'd share the things I miss the most about summer.

1. The sun!

2. Not needing to wear a jacket. All. The. Time.

3. Sandals.

4. Spending the afternoon curled up on the deck with a good book and a cold drink.

5. Sending the Herd outside because they have no reason to be indoors when it's nice outside.It's hard to force encourage the kids to go outdoors when it's -30 outside or storming. But in the on :)

6. The trailer. Aside from our vacations, nothing is as relaxing and stress-free as spending our weekends at the campground with all the extended family. Family who just love to entertain the Herd.

7. Campfires. More specifically, marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate. Enough said.

8. Ice cream. Sure I can have this all year round, but eating an ice cream cone that starting to melt on a warm afternoon makes it that much more enjoyable. Unless you have 5 kids with you who aren't nearly as seasoned when it comes to scarfing down melting ice cream.

9. BBQ's! We still use our Barbeque in the winter (okay Master Chef does) but not very often, and it's not the same watching him flipping burgers on a snow-covered deck as it is watching him on a sunny Saturday afternoon while I'm stretched out on a lounge chair reading that good book.

10. Sunsets. Like the late ones that mean the sun doesn't go down until after the Herd's in bed and it's just Master Chef and I enjoying the quiet evening with a fantastic view of the river.

What about you? What do you miss most about summer? Are you tired of shovelling? Live in a place that hardly see's snow?

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on every one of those. Except the trailer.
