Friday, May 6, 2011

Love's Savage Whiplash Contest



Here at the Nine Naughty Novelists, we love to write. That's why we keep doing more serial stories, no matter how often powerful, dark forces within the government beg us to stop. (Just kidding. Hey, maybe that could be our next serial!)

BUT -- we also love our readers. So once again we're combining our two passions and offering prizes ... lots of them! ... along with our new Regency serial, LOVE'S SAVAGE WHIPLASH.

Every week, choose your favorite line from that week's installment. For instance, in the Prologue I cracked up over Lumiere's plans involving a chambermaid, a carpet beater and some rope. Go to our Facebook page (the link is directly to your right) and add it to the "discussion" board. You'll be entered into a random drawing for a $10 gift certificate from either Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Every month we'll draw a new winner.

You'll also be entered when you comment on the chapter here on the blog.

When the story ends, we'll award a Grand Prize of an eReader cover signed by each Naughty Novelist.

So, dear Reader, we beg you, put your maidenly shyness aside and boldly gird your loins. Venture forth into Facebook and declare your preference. Untold riches await your pleasure. We hope to have the great honor of your company Thursday next, when we unveil..

Chapter One: The Duke Takes a Powder.


  1. Oh I love it when you say things like that about our loins Juniper :)

  2. I loved the chambermaid comment. Honestly, I was laughing so much whilst I read the passage that my family kindly asked me to shut my pie hole! I was then forced to read the passage regarding the lavender parrot:
    "“Duke of Earl!” a large, lavender parrot called from the branch of an overhanging tree. “Duke, duke, duke of Earl.” But, as was usual, the bird was completely ignored."
    Ok, I'm laughing again!

  3. LOL Dawn! Loins. Loins loins loins!!

    Jen, I'm with you, that part totally cracked me up. I'm so glad you're enjoying the story! And keep an eye on that parrot, LOL.

  4. I found the story quite entertaining. I too enjoyed the parrot. I liked the line "And, Lumiere, when you've finished here, do something with that duck!" and the subsequent puzzlement of the Lumiere.

  5. Oh I'm going to love this. I can tell that there is going to be a great adventure in this story..*S*
    I love the the following phrase:
    "“Indeed you are. For I am the Dread Highwayman Roberts and you, if you live long enough, may one day take my place.” this teases at the future tale...*S*


    Thank you ladies. Can't wait for the rest to continue.


