Yes, we know. To the rest of the world, the New Year is still a few months away, but let's be honest. Haven't most of us been imprinted since childhood with the idea of September being the start of a whole new year? In that spirit (and because some of us just wanted an excuse to use that very suggestive Champagne-popping gif up there) we bring you the Naughty New Year.

So sit back, pour some Champagne...or get someone to pour some for you. This guy, perhaps. And let's talk New Years...
But the best thing about
a September New Year is no pressure to make resolutions we won't be able to
keep more than a month, and that's being generous lol.
I am definitely looking
forward to the new year--and lots of naughty new releases. Last year was all about
the writer's block (and a lot of other frustrating stuff) not this year!
That's going to be my numero uno resolution for the new year: The others include: Helping
Kelly find a 12 step program for her shoe addiction (I figure she'll need a new
pair for every step. That sounds reasonable, right?) and moving forward with the plans Erin and I have been discussing about starting our own coffee plantation in Hawaii. Mmm.
In the fall I always get a new football game shirt, a new scent from Bath and Body works to use, new fall scented candles, new warmer jammies and start back on the warmer drinks-- hot coffees vs. iced, hot chocolates and all the fun things to put in them-- butterscotch schnapps, Bailey's, peppermint schnapps,etc. :)
I'm in for a party, I'm in for a 12-step shoe program for Kelly and I'm IN for a coffee plantation in Hawaii-- this would require in person visits at least every three months or so, yes? And be a write-off?
Oops I just Tweeted my newest shoe acquisition. Addiction?
I'm going back to school shopping even though I'm not in school and my kids are in university and don't need much in the way of school supplies.
I love school/office supplies and at this time of year
stores like Staples have all kinds of cool stuff. I need some fun new post it
notes and one of those whiteout pens and a new black Sharpie marker (left the
lid off mine and it dried up). And I will check out fun colored file folders
and binders and maybe pick up cheap looseleaf paper that I use for making
notes. And having some new file folders and binders will inspire me to tidy up
and organize my office to start the "new year" off right!
It wouldn't be New Year's without a diet resolution, right? Have I got a weird one for you! When I was in San Diego I met with a Tibetan doctor who put me on a Wind Heat Disorder diet. In our medical lingo, that means I have inflammation and too much stress. So goodbye to sugar, wheat products, dairy, potatoes, alcohol, caffeine, and a few other random items like radishes and peanut butter. So far so good. But ask me if I intend to stick with it during the Naughty Nine retreat in New Orleans. HELL NO!! Then I plan to get naughty with beignets and gumbo. And wine.
Okay, the
grinch here. As a former teacher, I grew to dread September almost as much as
my students did. After three months of reading and writing and basically
enjoying life as an independent scholar, I had to go back to work. When I
started teaching I felt excited but after twenty years, I mainly felt tired.
Yeah, it got better after a week or so, but that first week was a killer
(particularly before registration was totally automated and I had to sit at the
table and give people stickers for freshman English--talk about nasty
encounters!). Now that I'm writing full time I no longer think of beginnings
and endings of years, just the beginnings and endings of projects. And believe
me, I'm a lot happier that way!
So now it's your turn. We want to hear your Naughty New Year's resolutions. Post them in the comment section and you'll be entered to win a Party On! shower jelly from LUSH Cosmetics.