Hi everyone! I'm so thrilled to doing my first post on the Nine Naughty Novelists blog. We have lots of fun stuff in the works and I'm excited to be part of such a talented group.
Here are my answers to the nine questions!
1. If you had to choose only one form of chocolate for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I am not a chocoholic and I'd rather eat potato chips than chocolate, but I do love this one kind of dark chocolate truffle - I think it's French and I can't remember the name but they melt in your mouth and they're not too sweet (a couple of naughty qualities, I must say!)
2. What author got you started reading or writing romance?
My first romances were sweet Harlequin romances by authors like Betty Neels. I do not know how many books I read about Dutch doctors and British nurses. How did she keep coming up with new stories? Then I moved into Harlequin Presents with steamier stuff by Anne Mather and Ann Hampton. My teenage hormones loved those stories. Shanna by Kathleen Woodiwiss was the first "big" romance I read, and it is still one of my favourites. I don't know if one particular author got me writing romance but I give the credit to Erin McCarthy. I read her story A Date With the Other Side - so smart, funny and sexy - and decided I wanted to write stories like that (it's a dream, so what)and so I started writing (though I'd always wanted to write romance).
3. What's the naughtiest thing you've ever done.
There is no way I can answer this question in a blog for the whole world to see.
4. What do you like best about the heroine in your latest book?
Hmm. I'im going to go with my upcoming Ellora's Cave release on this one - Sexpresso Night. Danya is intelligent and environmentally conscious (combining a degree in Environmental Studies with a law degree)and wants to do good things in the world. She wants to be in charge of her life and her career and men - but like Goldilocks, she has to find the right man...not too hot, not too cold, just right...
5. What is a must have in your writing routine?
I wish I had a routine. I write whenever I can squeeze time, between day job and husband and kids. But I must have Internet. When I'm writing and suddenly need to know what time the sun sets in Aruba in January, the answer is right there at Google.
6. What was the most interesting thing you learned in reasearching your most recent release?
Okay, I have to skip over Love Me More, because really there was no research involved in that story (REALLY!) to Irish Sex Fairy. I loved researching naughty Irish expressions, most of which were too dirty to actually use in the story, but totally crack me up whenever I read them.
7. You're marooned on a tropical island (yay!!!), what sexy celebrity and comfort reads would you want with you?
Hard question. I don't fantasize much about celebrities and actually being stuck on an island with a stranger doesn't appeal to me. It would have to be someone like...Jimmy Kimmel. Steve Carell is kind of sexy. Rick Mercer is hot but alas gay. Jon Stewart. They would make me laugh. Funny is sexy. Comfort reads - I cannot narrow it down to even a suitcase full!
8. Do you listen to music when you write? If so what's your favourite, or does it change from book to book?
I don't usually listen to music, like some of the others it sometimes just distracts me. But sometimes I find a song so mood-setting I listen to it. When I wrote my biker story (please, please let it sell!) I listened to some AC/DC, Black Sabbath and Judas Priest for some scenes. Most recently, for the final sex scene of the story I just sold to Ellora's cave (Rigger) I listened to the PERFECT song - Go Back Home by the Strike Boys.
9. What's your favourite writing procrastionation trick?
Twitter. Checking emails. Chat groups. Forums. Checking email again. Twittering again. Porn sites. (Just seeing if you're still paying attention!)
Okay my next book out is Sexpresso Night with Ellora's Cave, November 17/09. This is my first book with BDSM elements (yes it's naughty!).

Note re: cover: This is the standard cover for books in the "Beverages/Wet" theme. My story has nothing to with wine. It's about coffee.
After a disastrous D/s relationship nearly destroyed her, Danya swears she’ll never go back to that lifestyle. She tries to deny the dark hunger rising inside her, a craving to be pushed, taken to the edge, until the night she ends up at Karma Coffee for Sexpresso Night. She discovers how sensual and sexy coffee can be—and how sensual and sexy barista Carter Jarvis is.
Carter senses gorgeous Danya wants to let go of control with a man. When they end up back at his place “for coffee”, she submits to him so beautifully he knows she’s meant to be his. Carter seems perfect for her—not wishy-washy, but not a sadistic pervert. The true test comes the night he shows her his BDSM playroom.
Kelly Jamieson
Romance with sweet heat