Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's my anniversary!!

Due to unforeseen technical difficulties the last instalment of Love's Savage Whiplash is unavailable until tomorrow. OUR APOLOGIES!! We know you've been waiting anxiously.

Since I was scheduled to blog tomorrow, I'm up today instead - celebrating a day early!! But I'm giving away a book, so read on...

September 16, 2008 was the release date for my first ever published book, Love Me so today is my 3rd anniversary as a published author!! I'm celebrating by giving away a book -leave a comment here at the blog and I’ll pick a winner who can choose any title from my backlist. You may wish to go to my website to peruse the selection.

Looking back over the last 3 years - it was so exciting being published, but my goodness, there was so much to learn! I remember doing chats in the Samhain CafĂ© to promote Love Me and being first of all terrified with no idea what to do or say, and then being blown away when people talked to me and were interested in my book. I remember my first ever “fan email” and how it made me cry. I remember being lost as to how to get my name out there and how kind people were to help. My first reviews were luckily positive and kind.

Back then Twitter and Facebook might have existed, but I didn’t know it. Promotion was something I didn’t enjoy but had to learn how to do, by joining writing groups and forums and Yahoo groups. I’ve learned a lot since then and although I still don’t enjoy promoting myself, social networking has gotten to be fun!

Copyright (c)123RF Stock Photos
I’ve learned a LOT about the publishing industry and I might be a tad more cynical about some things than I was three years ago. This has been a challenging time to become a published author. The publishing industry is changing immensely. Three years ago, digital publishing was on the verge of exploding, and now it has and the publishing world is a lot different than it was then, with more changes coming.

I’ve learned a lot about writing too and I think I’ve grown as a writer. The books I write now are different than the ones I wrote early in my career. Sometimes I shake my head and wonder how I ever got published when I just sat down and wrote until I had a book, with not a lot of thought about character arcs and turning points. My process has changed a lot since then. My first manuscripts were a complete mess of typos and too many adjectives and adverbs and overused words. Now, my work still needs editing, but I’m more aware of all those things as I write. And I plan a lot more, although I still don’t consider myself a “plotter”. J I’ve taken courses and workshops and read books and studied, and worked hard to become a better writer.
Lance Thomson Photographic
There have been a lot of ups and downs. Some of the downs were things like encountering writing groups or authors who were not supportive; negative reviews (Yes I get ‘em. I don’t even go to Amazon any more because of that.); rejections (Yes I still get ‘em. Lots of them. And yes they’re still depressing.); writer’s block (Yes, it happens. Usually not for long, but I did go through a rough time earlier this year where I couldn’t write for months because of the other negative stuff— see “reviews” and “rejections” and "no support").

But I'm mostly a positive person, and when I look back over the last three years I really do so with a huge feeling of joy and pride and gratitude. The good things SO outweigh the bad – good things like finding an incredibly supportive group of writers who have become awesome friends; meeting so many wonderful people on line and in real life and making connections with them; lots of contract offers (I’m up to 21 now— get ready to celebrate again when book # 20 comes out next year!!); editors who love my work and help me make it so much better; lots and lots of great reviews that help remind me I know what I’m doing (mostly!); lots of people who buy my books; and lots of incredible people who read my books and take the time to tell me they like them. THAT’s what it’s all about and THAT’s what makes all those down times fade into the background. I have some goals I haven’t achieved yet, and sometimes it feels like I never will, but even if I don’t, I can be happy— because I love writing and I love sharing my stories and knowing that other people like them too is so very gratifying.

THANK YOU to everyone who has made this journey the last three years so incredible!


Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary !!!

Meg Benjamin said...

Congrats, Kelly! And keep writing.

Ivelisse said...

Happy Anniversary!! You are truly wonderful and as a fan want to say Thank You for writing those wonderful stories. You are beautiful inside and out.

Katie O'Connor said...

Happy Anniversary!
I love your work. Thanks for sharing yoru creativity with us readers.

Fedora said...

Can't believe it's only been/already been 3 years! Happy anniversary, Kelly--looking forward to many more incredible stories!

pamerd said...


Congrats and Happy Anniversary.

Hope you continue to have many more.


PG Forte said...

THIRD??? But, dude! You have SO MANY BOOKS out!!!

Maria D. said...

Happy 3RD Anniversary! and here's to many, many more! I've enjoyed every one of your books I've read so far and have quite a few more to go to catch don't stop:)

JeanMP said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary, wishing you many more!. Look forward to reading more from you.

kog said...

Happy anniversary Kelly!
It sounds like it's been quite a journey, and not always easy, but I love that you are still passionate about your job.

If I win, I'm going to have a hard time deciding which book to get. I have five of your books on my TBR list. :)

Stevie Carroll said...

Happy Anniversary!

You've written a lot in three years!

kelly said...

Thanks so much everyone! I'm off to the Keith Urban concert tonight (yum) and will draw the winner late, when I get back!!

Jen B. said...

Congrats on 3 years! What a great accomplishment. Thanks for the giveaway!

Phuong said...

Happy Anniversary, Kelly! I just recently discovered your books and have loved all the ones I have read. I am slowly working my way thru your backlist while waiting for your new releases :)

Kim B said...

Happy Anniversary! I have Love Me on my kindle and I can't wait to read it!

Elaine G said...

Love your books Kelly.
Happy 3rd Anniversary!!!!!!

kelly said...

OK the winner is STEVIE. Please email me at with your choice and what format you would like it in!

Thank you again to everyone!!

swamimommy said...

I started with Dream Girl and have never looked back, I buy everything almost as soon as it's available, but I may have missed some. Happy anniversary.

Stevie Carroll said...

Gosh, I won!

How exciting when I'm just about to go away for nearly a week. Shall email you straight away.


Harlie Williams said...

Happy Anniversary Kelly. Your books are just good. My first ever by you was Conference Call from EC. Still one of my all time favorite books. Just saying.

Nay Nay said...

Happy Anniversary and Congratulations Kelly.

I am thrilled for you. I can't write a lick so I am always happy to see someone who works hard to create books that make us (the readers) so happy, make milestones in their careers.
Keep doing what you do so well.

We appreciate it and you.

Thank you for the chance to win.

reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com