Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pick Your Pleasure: Tis the Season!

If you could only celebrate one winter holiday, would it be Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years?

1. Kelly: I LOVE Christmas!! Sparkly things and food and presents!!
2. PG: Rose Parade Day. (what? Have you seen those floats?) Either that or Twelfth Night, because why not draw things out as long as possible?
3. Meg: I'm sort of torn between Thanksgiving or Christmas b/c I love the food prep aspect of Thanksgiving (plus seeing my kids). But overall, I'd say Christmas.
4. Kinsey: Christmas!
5. Sydney: Definitely Christmas! I love seeing how excited my kids get and remembering when there was nothing as exciting as trying to fall alseep so Santa would come.
6. Erin: No contest... Christmas!
7. Skylar: While I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, I think the one I'd love to keep celebrating is New Years! It's such a fresh start and I'm a sucker for fireworks.
8. Kate: Christmas. As long as that includes Christmas Eve, the setting for the best smorgasbord of the year

Which winter holiday is your favorite to celebrate? free polls 

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