It's a story about couple number four in this new world I've created. It's their love story, their time for the spotlight. But these characters have been around for three books already and all of the characters from the first three books make appearances in book four. This makes it a lot of fun to talk about as my readers are gearing up for this book's release! We have some history here. There have been peeks and hints about this couple. They've played supporting roles in the other stories, so readers already feel a connection.

Which made me start thinking about other series that I love and the fourth book in those series....

One that comes immediately to mind is Julia Quinn's Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, the fourth book in her Bridgerton's series. I don't read a lot of historical romance, but JQ is an exception I always make! And I do love watching Colin Bridgerton fall for his little sister's best friend (no wonder I love it... one of my favorite tropes!)


Another favorite of mine (along with most of the romance reading community! :)) is Jill Shalvis' Lucky Harbor series. Book four, Lucky In Love happens to one of my favorites in that series... and I'm not just saying that! I love book three best, then this one... then all the rest! :)

Now there are a couple of book fours in a series that *aren't* my favorites. For instance, book four in the Harry Potter series is not my favorite of those books. But it's an important books. Pivotal things happen. The series would be incomplete without it.
And there are a couple of series that I wish had a fourth (or more) book too!

Susan Andersen's Sisterhood Diaries Triology, for instance.

Or Erin McCarthy's Ohio's Most Haunted Town (I don't consider the novellas really part of the series :) )
So, I personally think fourth books can be great! I hope everyone agrees on February 25th! :)
What series do you love? Any book fours that stand out?
It’s either true
love…or the biggest mistake they’ve ever made.
Counting on Love,
Book 4
Hot firefighter Cody Madsen has stayed away from Olivia
Dixon for almost two years—technically. Even though he talks to her every day
and sees her every weekend. But there’s no kissing, touching, or telling her
how he really feels. Because they’re just
friends. Anything more than that
would mean crossing the line that Olivia’s older brother has firmly drawn
between them.
Olivia wants what her three sisters have—true love. She could
almost believe she’s found it with Cody, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s her
older brother’s best friend and her brother won’t have it. And he’s never
steered her wrong before. Her head is telling her to trust her brother, but her
heart won’t let go of Cody.
Her solution? A dating site where she and Cody can each find
their “Perfect Pick” once and for all.
But when the site yields some unexpected results, their real
feelings come front and center. And they have to decide if it’s worth the risk
to cross the line from friendship to love after all.
Warning: Contains a starry-eyed romantic, a wannabe knight
in shining armor, and chocolate chip cookies. A lot of chocolate chip cookies.
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Can't wait for Going for Four's release. And you totally reminded me that I hadn't read Lucky in Love. Must add that to my TBR pile.
You're welcome :) And THANKS!!!
Congrats Erin! Love the whole post--and now I have books toppling from my TBR!
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