I admit it. I'm hooked.
I'm completely addicted to food-based shows.
It doesn't matter if it's a competition, like Top Chef, or a "how twinkies are made" expose, or just a cooking demonstration complete with recipes. If there's food involved, I'm so there.
My newest favorite is Cupcake Wars. Who knew the world of handheld individual cakes could be so cutthroat? Or that Peanut Butter Banana Bacon cupcakes could actually look appetizing? Sure, there are misfires, but those are part of the charm. And all-pink teams competing against guys who look like ex-Marines appeals to my "opposites-attract" sensibilities.
Midkid prefers any of the cake decorating competitions. Forget the bite-size treats - bring on the towering creations with spinning tops and pyromaniac displays!
The DH is a fan of Man vs Food, and I have to admit I can't seem to change the channel when it's on, either. By all rights I should be appalled by the sheer volume of food that poor host shoves down his throat on a regular basis, but there is a touch of the quixotic about it.
And don't even get me started on the cooking demonstration shows. One of these days I'm going to make a mandarine orange martini. Or a beef and pepper sandwich on ciabatta. Or...
Damn. Now I'm hungry.
*wanders off to raid the fridge*
Do you watch any cooking/food-related shows? What's your favorite?
Oh my, does this ever touch a nerve. Jacques Pepin, Alton Brown (ah, Feasting On Asphalt), Ina Garten, Sara Moulton (as long as she doesn't have guests), Iron Chef, even Rachael Ray on occasion. And of course Julia. Love, love, love cooking shows!
Oh, I LOVE Cupcake Wars! I had it on one afternoon "just for noise"... I got sucked in! As did my 9 yr old! I also love The Best I Ever Ate, Diners Drive Ins and Dives and yes, Man vs. Food! :) It's all so weird because I do *not* enjoy cooking or baking! Must be the way I love American Idol but am a terrible singer :)
No, Erin, I'm exactly the same way. I've got half a dozen go-to recipes and rarely branch out (and certainly not like the menus on the shows I watch!). It just all looks so pretty and tasty...
We should totally watch Cupcake Wars sometime with chat on. NNN IM-ing about food? Fab!
I love cooking shows too! Not that I have much time for watching TV any more, but I USED to love them. I actually learned a lot about cooking techniques from them. Though they do make me hungry...
I can't count how many times I've said of some food information or cooking technique, "I learned it from Food Network."
I'd love to film a segment to submit for The Next Food Network Star. I don't want to be on the show, just submit to it. With Dawn Marie. It would be a hoot! ;-D
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