Okay T, you're up:-
Bath Mat – Naughty because when you think bath mat you think sex in the shower and well if you’re going to have sex in the shower you definitely need a bathmat or you’re going to be in the hospital and that is so not sexy.
Park bench – Romantic reminds me of my first date with my husband we went down to the river walk and just sat on one of the benches and talked.
Sun lounge -
Whipped cream – Naughty… Come on do I really need to explain?!?
Pearls – Naughty Very Very naughty reminds of this story I read in Penthouse Forum many years ago *tingly shivers lots of tingly shivers* I’ll let you use your imagination.
Duct tape – I’ll Stick with nice because Duct Tape hurts coming off skin and well my daughter keeps begging me to make her duct tape purse, wallet and belt so yeah nice if not a bit odd of course if you put Duct Tape and Richard Dean Anderson in the same sentence well than I guess you could have oh so naughty daydreams.
Washing machine – Ok so not happening unless your significant other is over 6 ft tall because let’s face it you’d need a step stool and well SO not sexy!
Leather belt - 5 leather belts one sexy as hell muscle bound hero and wrought iron bed and me Naughty or Nice you tell me?!?! Hmm… Who knew I had such a masochistic side.
Pen – well this one is a hard one I was going to say naughty because you could use a pen to write naughty things but then this is 2011 we just type naughty these days.
Candles – Naughty and only because I can only imagine what our lovely Lila would do with them in one of her Monsters in Hollywood stories ;)
Sunscreen – Naughty – these images should be plenty of explanation!
(Visit Beautiful Mag to see where these pictures were found.)
Wooden spoon – Ewe Splinters!!

What is it with these woman and their lack of knowledge about sun lounges? Is this a world-wide problem? Will certainly need to do something about that......
Alright cast your votes. Is T naughty or nice?
On the naughty scale, where 0 is "pure as the driven snow" and 10 is "so naughty that the naughtiest hero/heroine could learn from you", I'd say T scores a 6 - sorta naughty.
V nice pics too!
LOL! Naughty, with a lovely nice side, too! Go, T!
Very nicely naughty. Or naughtily nice. :-)
This is a tough one..i am going to go with Naughty
I hate sun loungers the last time I lounged in the sun I came away with a sunburn that I still have today 1 year later so sun loungers are very naughty and not in the sexy naughty way ;) lol
Thank you very much I do enjoy being naught as much as possible glad you enjoyed the pics ;)
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