But something that makes it a little more bearable is Big Brother. Reality shows aren't usually my thing, but with the exception of the very first season, I've watched Big Brother every summer. It appeals to my inner drama queen and leaves me eager for Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings. The Stud (a.k.a my husband) and I watch it together and laugh at things like Meow-Meow. You'd have to be watching this season to get it. :) Unfortunately the Stud broke two ribs last week working on our deck, so I can't even mock any of the houseguests (Meow-Meow, seriously?) or he starts to laugh and ends up hurting himself.
So what about you guys? Any other Big Brother fans out there or other favorites shows you love that are only on this time of year? Or if you're not watching tv much, what are you reading? I'm always looking to add to my TBR.
And just to keep things interesting, leave a comment by Friday, July 16th, and I'll enter you to win an ebook from my backlist.
**Congrats to Loretta! You won the download from my backlist. E-mail me at sydneyATsydneysomersDOTcom to claim your prize. Thanks to everyone who entered. Loved reading all the comments.
I love summer TV shows but I'm not a fan of reality TV. During this time of year I watch Eureka on Syfy, True Blood on HBO, Mad Men on AMC and The Closer on TNT. I'm going to add a couple of shows that are new this summer like Covert Affairs on USA, Haven on SyFy and Rizzoli and Isles on TNT.
First, tell the Stud I said "ouch" and he has my sympathy. Then as someone who didn't start watching Glee until halfway through the year, I'm really glad Fox is rerunning the earlier episodes. Now I can find out what happened before I caught on!
Maria - I haven't caught up on True Blood yet this season but I really need to.
Meg - I'll pass it on. :) I didn't start watching Glee until almost halfway as well, and I can't wait to see the whole Will/Sue thing carry on next year. And Sue's journal bits. Hilarious.
Oh, how I love my summer shows. While I miss Bones in the off-season, I now get new episodes of Burn Notice, Warehouse 13, and Eureka!
OMG I had to come comment because me and my husband and oldest (he's 16) love BB. Love it! So I'm right there with you.
And Meow Meow? What in the world was he thinking? Hahahahahahaha...
Don't enter me in the contest. I just had to comment with BB love. ;)
I hardly ever watch TV. My daughter is hooked on Glee and it seems so popular, I feel I should watch it. But whenever I turn the TV on it seems I can find an episode of Two and a Half Men somewhere and that show makes me laugh out loud every time! It is so inappropriate. But hilarious.
Oh yeah and much sympathy to the Stud :-) that sucks.
I do not watch the reality shows. I just can't get into them. I watch the CSI shows so I am kind of lost right now :)I saw Rizzoli and Isles advertised on TNT and I like both of them actresses, so I think I will also try that show out.
This summer it seems that Bravo is flooding the market with reality-isc shows (I saw that because many of them seem so ridiculous I have trouble believing they are real. Are there people out there that stupid or nuts? Sadly, probably). Real Housewives of New Jersey (crazy but addictive), Kathy Griffin (hilarious), and I've been impressed with Work of Art (a competition show like Project Runway. It’s actually pretty fascinating to see how they create their artwork. It reminds me of the writing process.) And of course, the most important, Top Chef. Drama, competition and amazing food, where can you go wrong.
But I agree with all of you, I miss my regular season shows like Bones and Grey's Anatomy. Luckily they'll both be back in September.
I don't watch Big Brother, but I'm happy that White Collar returned last night. Psych and Mad Men are returning soon. I also caught some new shows, The Glades(A&E) and Haven(SyFy.)
I'm not much of a tv watcher anymore. There are too many good books to read, including yours Sydney.
I just finished reading Lora Leigh's Black Jack. Her books are always great.
I love the summer series like The Closer.
Like Maria, I'm faithfully watching the new season of True Blood ... and Hung for the chuckles. There sure isn't much else on ... and as for reading, well there's a stack of new stuff on my Kindle (at least they don't take much room while they wait around for me to get to them) and Kim Harrison's A Fistful of Charms.
So if you could only recommend one of your books to someone looking for something appropriate for a hot summer afternoon on the back deck (Ottawa does have a few hot afternoons, honest!) which one would you suggest?
i'd rather read or scrapbook. Not many things on tv worth watching. And my hubby hates reality tv lol.
I've never watched Big Brother.
I do watch America's Got Talent, but so far this summer that is my only 'can't miss' show. Several new series have started in the last week or two but haven't had a chance to see them yet.
Too busy reading. Currently working my way through all the Wolf Tales/Chanku stories by Kate Douglas to refresh myself with them before reading the newest one.
I've never seen Big Brother either, I do on occasions watch America's Got Talent with my mom and brother.
I'm also a big True Blood fan, as well as Leverage,Royal Pains and Hawthorn.
I'm quickly becoming a fan of Rizzoli and Isles and Memphis Beat oh and The Gates.
That's about it on the summer time block for me, although I'm looking forward to fall because there are some new shows that sound kind of intriguing, and there are the favorites like Bones and Castle that are coming back! Can't wait!
My two summer favs are Ghost Hunters and Monster Quest. lol An obvious paranormal slant.
We haven't watched Big Brother in many seasons, and right now I'm not watching much of anything while DH is catching up on past seasons of Mad Men on DVD (the kids groaned when I picked up the Netflix mailer, "Oh no, Daddy got another Mad Men DVD--why can't we get anything else??)
Recent reads? Just finished rereading Anne Rainey's delicious Vaughns in Dare Me, and am finishing Jodi Redford's Lover Enslaved...
I am ashamed to admit that I actually watch Big Brother. I usually hate reality tv but something about Big Brother sucks me in. Same thing happened with the last two seasons of survivor because of Russell.
Summer is usually when I recap anything I missed on my favorites. Mainly The Big Bang Theory and Criminal Minds. The big perk this summer has been the CW replaying Moonlight. I tried Mad Men but I just couldn't get into Don Draper.
Right now I am reading Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn(e-book) and Broken by Shiloh Walker (paperback).
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