On November 9th, the Naughty Nine will celebrate our first anniversary and we’re giving away prizes! Join our Anniversary Hunt for your chance to win eBooks, an autographed print book and a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate.*
Participating is easy, just complete the three steps below and you’re entered to win.
Step 1: Locate the hidden cupcake graphic on each participating author’s website.
Step 2: CLICK on the graphic and be taken to the excerpt you will need to read in order to answer each question below.
Step 3: Paste the URL location of the cupcake graphics and your answers into your e-mail and send them to ninenaughtynovelists@gmail.com with “Anniversary Hunt” in the subject line no later than November 8th.
Winners will announced on November 9th at our Anniversary Party. Must be 18 or older to enter.
*The winner may request the gift certificate be substituted for one of equal value from another online retailer such as Barnes & Noble or Books on Board.
The Naughty Nine
Juniper Bell - http://juniperbell.com
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Question: What community college did Dana Arthur attend in Training the Receptionist?
Meg Benjamin - http://www.megbenjamin.com
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Question: In Be My Baby, what's the name of Jack's stuffed toy?
Kate Davies - http://www.kate-davies.com
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Question: In Ritual Love, who does Aedan think sent a lad to spy on their secret rites?
PG Forte - http://www.pgforte.com
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Question: In Old Sins Long Shadows, what event prompts Conrad to move to California?
Kinsey Holley - http://www.kinseyholley.com
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Question: In Kiss and Kin, what's the name of the club where Lark is drugged?
Kelly Jamieson - http://www.kellyjamieson.com
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Question: In Friends With Benefits, what is Mitch's ultimate fantasy?
Skylar Kade - http://www.skylarkade.com
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Question: In "The Cellar," where is Clarissa's mystery present from?
Erin Nicholas - http://www.erinnicholas.com
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Question: What does Jaden tell Adam she likes in No Matter What?
Sydney Somers - http://www.sydneysomers.com
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Question: In Primal Pleasure, what does Cian want Emma to show him on the Internet?
Very cool! Happy early Anniversary Naughty Nine!!! Now I'm off to go cupcake hunting:)
Happy Anniversay! And thanks for the great contest. Between saving up for an ereader and then books for it (if I can decide between and kindle or a nook), these are wounderful prizes! Keep up the good work and FUN this next year :)
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