Hi there! My name is Lissa Matthews. I write contemporary and kinky erotic romance for epubs, Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, and Loose Id. I’ve just recently dipped my toe into the paranormal pond and I have to say, I can feel the undertow pulling at me. I’m a transplant to North Carolina by way of Hell, otherwise known as Florida. And I am very glad to be here at NNN today.
It’s Tuesday, October 19, and I think my brain is finally starting to function again. We had a rather busy weekend and in the days leading up to it, I had a very busy and stressful week. I think I’ve managed an average of four hours of sleep a night in the last seven days. And, I don’t know about any of you, but I need sleep. I don’t function well or at all really without at the very least six hours.
I’ve always loved sleep. I know they say “you can sleep when you’re dead” and that’s true, but at the same time, I like sleeping now. When I don’t get enough, my brain turns to slush and I get the most awful headaches that often turn into migraines. Yuck! The only cure at that point is complete and total relaxation and me crawling into the bed.
I’m also one of those people that LOVES to nap. Sunday afternoons for a couple of hours. Weekday afternoon power naps (10-20 minutes and I’m refreshed). Going back to bed on a rainy or snowy morning. Generally, I’ll stop my day and nap for a bit if I can, but sometimes I try to just push right through, keeping the coffee or tea brewing until I either can’t continue or it perks me up enough that I get beyond it all. Today, is one of those days where no amount of coffee or tea or straight injection of caffeine works.
I don’t know why I’m like this. I have been since I was a child. I used to come home from school and take a nap or come home from work and nap. I always wanted naps after church. In the car on trips. During PMS it’s really bad, so much so in fact that I did a search on it one evening and found there’s something called PMS Fatigue. That’s me, hands down. Or rather, pillow down and blanket pulled up.
That’s the other thing. I need to have a pillow and a blanket. I can’t nap without them. I prefer comfy clothes too. Not pajamas necessarily, but a soft cotton lounge pant and t-shirt works really well. I have those things and I can nap on the couch, in the bed, in the recliner, or hell, even on the floor if I have to.
I know. It has driven my mom crazy for years that I nap, that I love to sleep. My DH hasn’t ever cared cause he naps while watching ball games or races on TV. My son naps from time to time, as does my daughter. And my cats…dear God. Talk about laziness!
What about you? Do you nap? Have you ever been a nap and sleep loving person?
My character, Rosie, from my upcoming (next week…EEK!) Samhain Publishing release, Cracklin’ Rosie, has an issue with sleep, too. Hers, though, is in the form of a roofer by the name of Decker. She’s gotten precious little shut-eye since he arrived in town and when she does manage a few winks, she dreams of him, of naughty sexcapades with him, of her kinky little secret desires and him fulfilling them. Too little sleep has made Rosie a grumpy, frustrated woman. And well, what else is she supposed to do other than…give in to the patient, good-natured, teasing he offers? Right? Hmm…guess you’ll have to read to find out exactly what she gives in to and what she wants to give in to that he withholds.
Thanks to everyone for having me today. I do believe a nap is in order for this afternoon. I even have new lounge pants (red Kyle Busch ones, too) and a new soft t-shirt (Kyle Busch, of course. After all, the races were in town.)
If you’d like to know more about me and my books, my likes, etc… Here’s where you can find me: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads.
A tool for every job. A belt for every occasion…
Blue Jeans and Hard Hats, Book 2
Food is Rosie’s life, and life is good. She loves it, makes it, serves it in her diner, writes about it in her blog, and she’s happy. At least until a storm puts a rather large tree limb through her roof, and a sex-in-a-tool-belt roofer on top of her cabin.
But that’s not where she wants him. No, she wants him behind her with a strip of leather in his hand. That’s what makes her edgy—vulnerability is not her style. Except the more prickly she gets with him, the more he turns on the charm.
Decker arrives in Blue Ridge, Georgia, with nothing on his mind but a job and some new scenery. His legendary patience is tested from the first moment he meets sharp-tongued Rosie. She’s got hips that sway, non-stop curves and a mouth that needs to be filled with things that are much sweeter than vinegar.
A few singe-worthy kisses, and Decker uncovers passions that will likely earn her every red stripe she’s begging for. And Rosie discovers Decker’s got a hunger burning deep inside to give her anything and everything she needs. Maybe even…forever.
Warning: Between the sheets of this book you’ll find a twist on a decadent southern dessert, sweet rose wine, picnic table sexiness, truck sex, a man who knows how to give a spanking and a woman who knows how to bend over a hot yummy lap.
Hi Lissa,
First having lived in FL, I agree whole hearted that I do believe it is hell, or purhaps purgatory. ;-)
Can't wait for Cracklin’ Rosie!!! I am a huge fan of yours and you never dissapoint! Congrats on the new release!
Nope. Can't nap. When I wake from one, my head feels groggy and I am grumpy. Same can be said for the rest of the family, although the hubby does nap in 'his' chair -- but he does work long hours, so he prob needs the sleep.
Congrats on the upcoming release! I loved Sweet Caroline, and look forward to reading Rosie's story :) Sounds fab!
Lissa you make napping sound so wonderful, I wish I could do it. The day job kind of frowns on it heh heh. But even when I'm home I can't do it, though I do love sleeping, especially in the morning :-) Sleep is very important for our creativity.
Lissa, it's so great to have you here at the NNN! That stands for Nine Naughty Naps, did you know? LOL! I knew we must have a lot in common ... I love sleep too, but I've gotten out of the habit of napping after years of work. Maybe I'll take one today in your honor. ;) Congratulations on Cracklin' Rosie, sounds like another superhot winner!
Lissa, I'm with you girl! Naps are awesome... I'm a pro! :) Since my kids have grown out of them I don't get them regularly but wow, love 'em! And I'm one of these people who needs lots of sleep. I wish I wasn't... I could get so much more done! But 7 hours is *minimum* and I can't do more than a day or two in a row without 8 (or 9... though that's a luxury! :))
Thanks for stopping by today!
Yes I love to nap! Just 20min. or so and the world is a better place. For me and my family. The best place is everywere in a sunbeam.... with a pillow and a blanket... Love it. And that is were I will enjoy your new book:-)
You know, I did nap yesterday. I napped a little today. Last week was stress from hell... Literally and figuratively. Between edits with immediate turn around (like hours), my mom and grandmother here for 5 days and when my mom visits, there's no staying here at the house. No, it's on the go morning to night. Add in no sleep one night, about 4 hours other nights and by the time they left and the races were over, I was done for! After that kind of thing, I usually need a few days to re-group and get my mind back.
I used to come home after school and nap. I used to come home after work and nap. I might even nap before I die...just so I can be wide awake for it! LOL... And honestly, it does help my creativity. It's kind of like meditation, but deeper because there's sleep involved. But it clears my head and allows the fuzzies to dissipate until I can think clearly again.
Thanks again for having me!
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