And I have a sort-of theme: Writing Romance Is Like…
Some of the topics include how writing romance is like adopting a new puppy, shaving your legs, a horror film… you get the idea.
At every blog stop (yes, including this one!) all comments get entered for a chance to win a choice from my backlist (I just love saying that—last year at this time I didn’t have a backlist *g*). And if you really want to play along, follow me around to all stops, fill in the answers to the questions on the form (on my site) and then e-mail it to me by December 15th. You’ll be entered to win a chance at a $50 gift certificate to your choice of online bookstore (Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com or MyBookstoreandMore.com)!
You’ll learn more about me, more about what it’s like to write romance—kind-of— and be (hopefully) a little entertained. (And did I mention the chances to win stuff?!) So, please join me! The schedule, questions to get entered into the big drawing and blog topics are on my site (www.ErinNicholas.com)
And with no further ado: Writing Romance Is Like…that chocolate candy bar you accidentally left in the car in July: It’s no longer perfect, but it’s still damned good!
Before I was published writing was fun and done whenever I had the time and inspiration. I had visions of quitting my job and sitting at my desk, the sun shining in, the window open to a gentle breeze that ruffles the curtains. Of course, the words flowed effortlessly from my fingers, incredibly witty and emotionally satisfying dialogue appeared as if by magic, the heroes and heroines complex and well developed, their love stories were hot, yet poignant, the sex scenes singed the pages. And of course, I would sell a million copies, have all five-star reviews and need a new e-mail address just to handle the influx of fan mail. Oh, and don’t forget the book signings! People lined up around the block I tell you!
So, now I’m published. Which is awesome! Not perfectly in align with the visions—or even the reality—of before I was published, but still damned good.
Now I have things like deadlines. Doesn’t really matter if I have time or inspiration. Some days it’s really like pulling teeth to get a few paragraphs that don’t suck. I also rarely write at my desk—sun shining or not. The desk is taken over by kids doing homework so my lap top and I get comfortable in my chair. I don’t know why, exactly, the Perfect Writing Vision included sitting at a desk, but it did. I also still have my “day job” which really does get in the way of the writing. Then again, I’ve often suspected that being forced away from the computer makes me appreciate and take advantage of the time I do have there and (usually) increases my word count. But,
But there are so many things that make writing sweet now! I do get reader e-mails—which are by far the best thing in the world! I get some great reviews, my editor is wonderful, I’ve met an amazing group of writers who have become cheerleaders, consultants and friends! Heck, I’m thrilled even one other person wanted to read something I wrote and liked it! *g* So there’s a lot of sweetness.
Yep, it really is damned good.
Join me at my next stop! November 4 at Leah Braemel’s blog
Excerpt, Just My Type (a “sweet” scene :))
Erin Nicholas

She pulled out her reading material as they settled into two seats in the gate area. Which got Mac’s attention.
“What the hell is that?” he whispered.
“A catalog.”
“So I see.” He glanced around. “Is that appropriate for reading in public?”
“Everyone else here is reading for pleasure or work. This is a little of both for me,” she whispered back.
“What have I done to deserve this?” he groaned.
“I think most men would be jealous of you having a wife who is studying a sex-toy catalog,” Sara told him. “It’s not all raunchy. I mean look at this: cotton-candy-flavored body powder. Great for licking. I’m so getting that.”
Mac tipped his head back, covered his eyes with his hand and groaned again. “Please don’t.”
“Oh, I am,” she told him. “And these chocolate body pens. You use them to write on each other…then lick it off.”
“Yeah, you could have stopped with chocolate body pens. It’s kind of self-explanatory.”
Mac shifted in his seat and Sara hid a smile. He’d been getting his way all day—and last night when he’d gone back to his condo—if she felt like torturing him a little, she would.
“Do you like piƱa colada flavor?” she asked.
“No. Not at all.”
She smiled. “Well, there’s lots of choices. How about lemon meringue?”
“Bubble gum?”
“Definitely not.”
“Beer flavor?”
That opened his eyes. “What do they have in beer flavor?”
“Nothing that I’ve seen yet. I was just making sure that if I find something I can order it without hesitation.”
He sighed. “What are you looking at?”
“Edible massage lotion.”
“What’s with all the edible stuff?”
“That’s just the catalog section I’m in.”
“I’m not interested.”
A quick glance at his lap told a different story. “Then I’ll flip to a section you are interested in. Oh, look, the nipple-clamp section.”
More on Erin
More on Erin
Sounds like a fun contest! You put a lot of thought into it. Just My Type sounds like a fun read--I'm adding it to my reading list.
Something that makes romance writing sweet for me is the satisfaction of having created something. You start with this idea, just a thought in your head, and it ends up a book!
Oh yeah, Erin, we were all going to be ladies of leisure traveling around the country to see the long lines of fans at the bookstore, right? LOL But the reality is actually kind of nicer.
Thanks for stopping by Cara! It'll be a busy but fun month!
It is kind of amazing to think that a simple idea can (eventually--lol) turn into an entire book!
Meg, one of my favorite daydreams was my interview with Letterman! :)
Lord knows I would HATE to actually do that... yeah, reality is just fine!
Erin, you make me laugh! I love this post. It makes me think of those author photos where the carefully coiffed author is sitting at an immaculate desk with a vase of tulips. Yeah right!! Congratulations on your first year of being published.
Hi Erin,
Thanks for celebrating your anniversary with us. I love your humor, and the excerpt for Just My Type was a hoot.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
I'm waiting for the post titled "Writing Romance is like Beer Flavored Edible Massage Oil".
Great post, Erin. Looking forward to the rest of the tour!
Good luck on your tour Erin and congratulations on being published for a whole year. That is something to celebrate!
Hi Erin,
Congrats on the new release! I loved the chocolate bar analogy.
I'm a lap top writer, too. And those pesky day jobs so tend to get in the way, don't they?
Congrats on your latest release, it was a cute excerpt that was posted.
skpetal at hotmail dot com
Because I can't stay up past 11 my time we'll make the drawing for midnight EST! :)
Jean, you won! You get your choice of any of my backlist (you can find them on my site www.ErinNicholas.com). Just let me know and I'll send it right over!
Thanks everyone!!
Be sure to stop by Leah's blog on Thursday!
congrats on ur release and well ur up and coming honestly ur books totally utterly rock im so hooked i cant wait for april to get here
loved the excerpt cant wait to help stalk i mean support you!
mortalsinn@ yahoo com
I need to go download this book. I enjoyed the interaction between Sara and Mac.
linze_e at hotmail.com
Well, I don't get in the drawing, since I am a middle of the night computer person! But I love the theme of you blog tour. Real/long lasting Love is a lot like this too. My hubby and I have learned to laugh at ourselves over the years and to stop taking everything so seriously. Only way for anything to last and workout, weather it is love, kids, or a second (wished for) career. Humor makes it all work in the end. Can't wait for your 'it's like shaving your legs....
Your escerpt is great (still laughing!). Good luck with the tour and your release!
This looks like it's going to be a really fun blog tour.
I will try and follow you around!!!
And congrats on your anniversary.
in Germany
Another late-night lurker here :) Can't wait to follow along on your sweet trail of dreams.
Loved it, esp. when his eyes popped open for beer flavor.
Hi Erin! What an exciting blog tour! Congrats!!!!
Hey all, thanks for stopping by! I should probably leave the drawings open longer eh? ;)
Okay, come on over to Leah's blog
on Thursday and we'll see what we can do! :)
I loved the excerpt Erin! And what a fun contest. Thank you for sharing. If I win I will definitely need that $50.00 g.c. because all of these teasers have me salivating!
Love the comparison to melted chocolate! Very funny :-) Congrats on having a backlist in just a year and I can't wait to read "Just My Type"!
A sweet scene indeed. I laughed at that.
I'm late starting, but I'm enjoying the excerpts. It sounds like a fun book.
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