When I hear the word Retro I think of hip huggers, platform shoes, orange kitchen counter tops, long straight hair, which by the way I never had in high school—mine was short and curly. Can you tell I grew up in the seventies? To put this word in further perspective when I was in high school back in the 1970’s retro to us was anything from the 1950’s and 60’s. Bobby socks, peddle pusher pants, head bands, anything pink or neon green, Frankie Valli and Annette Funicello, yup you got it...they were so retro!
The word Retro is derived from a Latin word meaning backward as in retrogress. In short it means something from the past. I’ve heard it used in the slang form as in; “that’s so retro.” I’ve said that a few times myself when watching my favorite designer shows on TV! In years, according to my research, retro goes back minimally fifteen years. That means for all you young thirty-somethings out there, your high school clothes, hairstyles and even the cars you drove are now considered retro! Scary thought, huh?
I guess it’s the same thing as saying “everything old is new again.” And frankly, I prefer to think of myself in those terms rather than someone saying that I’m retro. Umm….I’m not saying I’m old…by the way…
Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that something I did in the past, other than have those faux wood-grained countertops in my first kitchen thirty some years ago, would be considered retro. And yet this is where I find myself now—as a Samhain Retro romance author.
This publisher came up with a brilliant concept to bring back all of our favorite romance books and authors from the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s by purchasing the rights to and then republishing our backlists. The line launched at the end of 2011 with an assortment of contemporary and historical novels from authors you may have read back in the 1980’s.
I have to say it was a great experience working with this publisher. The books were re-edited and given new covers, sort of like reupholstering your favorite piece of furniture. You know how it’s been worn in in all the right places, but still has enough wear left in it that you don’t want to toss it out? Well that’s how I think of the refurbishing of my first published novel MOUNTAIN JEWEL. It went from something that I’d loved and nurtured and didn’t want to forget about to a book with a new look that’s back in the marketplace.
So now I’m thinking maybe being Retro isn’t so bad after all. Though you will never see faux wood grained counter tops in my kitchen ever again!
Tracey Lyons has been writing romances for over twenty years. Published in book length romantic fiction, her titles include, MOUNTAIN JEWEL, Kensington Publishing Precious Gems Historical; A SURPRISE FOR ABIGAIL, LYDIA’S PASSION and MAKING OVER MAGGIE, Avalon Books. She holds membership in Romance Writers of America, Liberty States Fiction Writers, and Novelist, Inc. She is the current Past President of the Published Authors Special Interest Chapter.
She lives in southern New York State with her husband, two dogs. When she’s not writing, or wine tasting, Tracey is busy making her husband crazy with home renovation projects! You can find her Samhain Retro romance MOUNTAIN JEWEL at http://store.samhainpublishing.com/retro-romance-retro-historical-c-144_168.html. Visit her website www.traceylyons.com
Thanks for asking me to blog today, Megan. I'm wondering what everyone else thinks of when they see/hear the word "retro"?
Everything old is new again! Not a bad thing!
Great post!
thanks for stopping by, Heather.
Welcome to the Naughty Nine Tracey!! Congrats on being a part of Samhain's retro line, they are a wonderful publisher.
I also was in high school in the 70s and you are SO right - we used to have sock hops and wear poodle skirts and bobby sox, and we felt so retro! Interesting to know what retro really is - and yeah, no avocado green kitchen appliances for me!!
Hi Tracey. Welcome to the Naughty Nine. So glad Samhain has started this Retro line--Mountain Jewel looks great.
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