Wednesday, March 21, 2012

RELEASE DAY & GIVEAWAY-- Everything You've Got

Yesterday was the release day for my 7th book-- Everything You've Got!

(seven? wow-- not sure how that happened )

You first met the hero (Luke) and heroine (Kat) of EYG last year in Anything You Want

Well, FINALLY, they get their story told!

Long story short: I wrote an entire book (it was then titled Falling Hard... or, in more casual circles, This F---ing Book) with Luke and Sabrina as the primary couple.

It wasn't until I was done... yes, done, that I realized why the book never seemed to really work.

Sabrina was with the wrong guy.

There was a reason the sparks flew whenever she was in the same room with Marc (who, incidentally, I thought I'd hook up with Kat... just sayin')

Once I realized that she belonged with Marc, their story came together easily. But it left someone with a broken heart. Being a fan of happy endings and happily ever afters I, of course, had to give him a girl too! And turns out... she was already there. And crazy about him.

Not that Kat's easy for him. She makes him work for it-- for some very good reasons! Luke's pretty used to getting his way, so... well, I hope you find it as fun to read and I did to write!

And to celebrate I'm giving away a copy of Everything You've Got to someone who comments today!

Here's more about Kat and Luke...

Everything You've Got
Erin Nicholas

A girl, a guy, a set of handcuffs… What more could happily ever after possibly need?

Anything & Everything, Book 2

Luke Hamilton’s requirements for the perfect woman are straightforward: live, work and play in his beloved hometown—and get along with his mother. Dr. Kat Dayton’s got it all. And Luke’s noticed.

It’s obvious to him that his long-time friend belongs with him, especially after the world-rocking kiss she lays on him at his birthday party.

While Kat can’t deny she’s imagined a kiss like that—and more—for years, she’s less convinced they’re destined for happily ever after. Still, Luke figures that’s nothing a friendly kidnapping and a three-day road trip won’t fix.

Kat would love to let Luke in, but if he discovers the truth—that committee meetings bore her to tears and she’d rather have a root-canal than go to another potluck—his white-picket-fence dreams will be crushed.

Being stuck in an RV with Luke should be three days of flirtatious fun, but for Kat it’s heavenly hell. The close confines and good old-fashioned lust are making a mockery of her perfect-woman façade, and if he finds out about the mistake that might cost her job— and force her to leave town for good—it’ll take more than a sexy pair of handcuffs to keep him close.

Warning: Contains a man who's willing to do anything for the perfect woman, an RV and surprise road-trip to help him prove it, and a woman who's wondering just what the hell she's gotten into.

copyright Erin Nicholas 2012

“You ready?” she asked, her breath on his cheek.

“Is anyone ever really ready for you?” he asked.

“Aw, you say the sweetest things.” Then she touched her lips to his.

The contact was relatively chaste, and the heat and want that washed over him was completely out of proportion. But one taste and he had to have more.

When she started to pull back, Luke reached up with his free hand, cupped the back of her head and opened his mouth.

She didn’t even hesitate. She groaned as she leaned into the kiss, meeting the stroke of his tongue with hers. The next thing he felt was her straddling his thighs and climbing onto his lap.

From there everything went crazy. Her hands went to his hair, holding his head still. His hand went to her lower back, pressing her closer. His hips lifted and her pelvis pressed down, pulling moans from both of them.

Then her hands went to the front of his shirt while his hand moved to the back of hers. She unbuttoned buttons while his hands slipped under the stretchy fabric of her blouse and onto bare skin. Goose bumps broke out under his hand and she shivered as he ran his hand up her spine to her bra and down again.

And then the song “Be Our Guest” from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast erupted from her purse.

Kat tore her mouth from Luke’s. He felt her panting against his lips.

The song continued. Because it was Kat’s ringtone for Marc.

“Ignore him,” Luke said gruffly, once again cupping the back of her head and attempting to bring her forward.

But she pushed against his chest. “Hold on. I have to talk to him.”

Luke pulled the blindfold from his eyes. “It’s Marc. He’s got nothing interesting to say.”

She slid back and off his lap. “Let me just—”

“Put him off,” Luke said firmly. “Then get back up here. We’re not done.” Damn the handcuffs.

Suddenly he realized they weren’t as great as he’d first thought. He couldn’t grab her as she was backing away.

She met his eyes and for a moment she froze. Now, without the blindfold, he could see it in her eyes—everything had just changed.

They had kissed. Really kissed. The kind of kissing that involved so much more than only lips. The kind of kissing that led to other things. The kind of kissing that changed friends into much, much more. Not the kind of kiss that had anything to do with done.

That was a just-getting-started kiss.



June M. said...

Congrats on the new release! I can't wait to read it! Any more books coming from this series?
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Arianne said...

"A girl, a guy, a set of handcuffs… What more could happily ever after possibly need?"

that is a great catch :) i'm convinced that I should read this book :)

email: cruz042 at

Kim B said...

Yes! You should definitely read Anything You Want. It's the first in the series. Both are awesome!

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release!
Blindfolds, handcuffs, and a hot guy! The only thing that could make that better was if I was there. The book sounds amazing. Can't wait to read the series.

Joanne B

Unknown said...

HI ,
I can't wait to read this book - it sounds soos good. I am a HUGE fan of Erin Nicholas and have been waiting for this book. I love her style of writing especially the Bradford series. Congrats on the new release and hopefully on many more. Thanks for the chance to win.
Mariann with Belle's Book Bag

Elaine G said...

Congrats on your new release.It sounds really good.Thanks for sharing an excerpt.

Sherry said...

Congratulations on your new release. Sounds like a very good book. I loved the excerpt.
sstrode at scrtc dot com

Alba said...

Congrats and
OMG!! Loving the teaser of an excerpt you gave us!!!!! Can't wait!!!


Erin Nicholas said...

Hi, everyone! Thanks for stopping by and reading!

The winner of the giveaway is June! manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

I'm going to e-mail you right now, June! Congrats!
