Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Message to reviewers...
- Taryn Elliott said...
I don't know what's the right or wrong thing to do, but my mom taught me to be polite, so I definitely post back a thank you.
Hell, even Nora does it over on DA. Even when they don't like her book, she's always gracious and comes on to say thank you for reading.
As long as you don't engage in the comments, I think that's a safe bet. I'm still a newbie too--so that may change in the future. But right now, anyone taking the time to read my work...I'd like to say thanks. -
March 28, 2012 at 3:10 AM
- Drmgrl99 - Dawn said...
As a reviewer I'm always nervious what an authors thinks of my review and love to hear from them if they do see it and like it, but I do not think it is necessary or feel cheated in anyway if they do not comment. I know that I don't comment on every post or review I read so I don't expect others to.
If I have a friendly relationship with the author or if i was given the book to review I usually will send a copy of the review to the author so that they know my thoughts on it. If they respond great if not I know they are busy and go onto the next review. -
March 28, 2012 at 4:41 AM
- kelly said...
Taryn thanks for weighing in. That was my thinking too! (Thanks Mom!)
Dawn it's good to hear the thought of another reviewer. -
March 28, 2012 at 6:12 PM
- PG Forte said...
First of all--fabulous post! Second--I love your "message". Can I steal that? ;) Third--I think there's no absolute right or wrong answer to this question. No matter what you do, there's always going to be someone who wishes you'd done it another way.
March 28, 2012 at 7:32 PM
- kelly said...
Thanks PG! And you may absolutely "steal" my message, LOL!
March 28, 2012 at 8:20 PM
- The Smutty Kitty said...
Personally I think you should post a comment on every review I write whether it is yours or not. lmao I am SOOOOOO kidding!!! :) I think it is stilly to expect the author to thank you for reviewing their book. How about you thank them for the chance to review the book? I am thrilled anytime someone lets me review a book for them. And I plan on giving my honest opinion no matter how I felt about the book. I've taken the stance to not post negative reviews on my blogs so I will email the person who sent me the book directly to let them know my thoughts. I wonder if the author should hire someone full time to check daily for new reviews so they can run and comment. I LOVE when an author takes the time to come and comment on my blog but I totally understand if they don't.
KittyKelly -
March 28, 2012 at 10:49 PM
- kelly said...
Thanks for giving us your perspective as another reviewer Kelly!
March 29, 2012 at 8:29 PM
- Mary's Naughty Whispers said...
Hi Kelly.
A lot of water passed since march and I just found out that you posted your opinion.
My initial post was mostly a venting blog and never meant to be a general argument. I am a lonely reviewer and quite a newbie if you consider that I am reviewing for only a year. I have no idea what is going on in authors/reviewers/publishers world. The feud and pettiness that I read here and there confirm me that not matter were we are it is a sharks world.
My initial vent was about 2 authors: one who asked me specifically to post my full review on her site (which I agreed) and the other one was a misunderstanding.
I NEVER EVER asked authors to acknowledge a thank you on my blog. If they do/did I am very grateful they take/took the time to drop few lines but I never asked for it. I blog for the love of expressing my opinion and in my own way to promote a sub-genre I love: menage romances.
But IN PRIVATE, per email, I think if an author find me and ask me directly per email to review a book... I believe this is the right thing to do... IN PRIVATE. I careless about public thank you. again private. If the author decides to make it public it is a bonus but never a must do for me.
And I removed my blog because it seems that I raised an already existing argument between authors and reviewers when my blog was just a venting bad day and nothing else. People started to be pretty mean and I definitely took a step back from this and concluded that I am very happy to be a lonely little erotic menage romance reviewer :)
Kelly. I do appreciate not only your writing but the way you express your opinion. Thank you :)
~Mary -
July 18, 2012 at 10:03 AM
- Mary's Naughty Whispers said...
grrr no edit button :(
just to make sure... I do not ask, never did, never will... a thank you each time I post a review from an author who never asked me a review!!!
When I review a 5 stars, I may send a note to the author because I know that a good review is always good for the author, so I may once in a blue moon send a link, never asking anything in return.
just to be clear here... :) -
July 18, 2012 at 10:12 AM