The nerve!
Okay, I may know the reason she suggested this and for the first time ever (so she says) gave me a full refund. I didn't mean to express my thoughts out loud, and it wasn't my fault a few giggles and laughter in the room disrupted the flow of the class. Hey, I can't control the reaction of people around me.

A few months ago, I decided to try anti-gravity yoga. Great fun until you injure your shoulder and are told to take up a less strenuous yoga class. I did love being upside down and pretending I was part of the Cirque de Soleil troop. However, I had to give up that class and at the anti-gravity yoga's instructor's suggestion, I now attend a Hatha Yoga class.
Hatha Yoga is all about breathing exercises, meditating and gentle poses.
Okay, I can do that. Easy stuff. Right?
Well, turns out, I can't quite master the: Clear your mind and relax part of this class.
Here are some of the things that go through my mind when we're supposed to be meditating. Admit it, those of you who practice meditation and Yoga, you probably have these thoughts as well. Right?
Thinking, why do they call it Jay walking? Who is Jay? Makes me think of a Jay bird and as far as I know, you can't arrest a bird for flying through a red light.
Thinking of birds, who came up with, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” Has anyone ever witnessed a bunch of chickens cross the road?
Thinking that I’m going to have to Google the synonym for synonym when I get home. Curious to see if there’s such a thing.
Cripes, did the lady next to me not read the sign in the gym that says: No scent makes good sense? I think I’m going to puke.
Wait, did I just say that out loud? Shit. Okay, I can cover this up. I'll smile and pretend it wasn't me.
Time for the downward dog pose.
They really should have a sign in this room that says, “Warning! Asses directly in front of you may be closer than they appear.”
I'm such a bitch.
Time to sit, clear mind and meditate.
If an orange is called an orange because of its color, why don’t we call bananas, yellow? "I sliced yellow on my peanut butter and toast?" Nah, that doesn't work. I get that.
Now, I'm hungry.
That guy's yoga mat smells like grapes. Scratch and sniff yoga mats? That's stupid.
Grapes. Now, I'm really hungry.
Major fail on the clearing of the mind, but at least I'm acting like I'm meditating.
Why do Pizza places promise to make and deliver the pizza in 30 minutes or less? Who wants half-baked pizza, driven by a maniac who could mow down an innocent bystander just so you can have pizza in 30 minutes?
Stop thinking about food! Keep pretending that you get this whole meditation thing.
Why do people say, "Little pitchers have big ears." I've never seen a pitcher with any ears. Kids don’t look like jugs. While I’m thinking about it, I really hate it when men refer to boobs as jugs. It’s not like they're full of beer.
That thought made me thirsty. I need to sneak in a water break. But then I’ll have to pee. Okay, back to clearing my mind and meditating.
Did the instructor just say, "Breathe through your legs?"
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Damn, I think I may have said that out loud?
Hmmm, maybe not. Instructor hasn't reacted. Unless of course her eye roll was her Yoga-way of telling me to shut up. Back to my version of meditation.
Why is it called buttermilk? There is no butter in the milk.
Stop thinking about liquids.
Why do they call the Mexican Fast Food place, Taco Bell? Sounds like it should be a phone company. What does a bell have to do with tacos?
Again with the food thoughts. Stop.
When someone says, let’s agree to disagree, but what if I don’t want to agree with that? How would you answer?
The mouth breather next to me is getting on my nerves.
I know, I'm being a bitch again.
Why do men hate asking for directions? Okay, I know what you’re thinking: "Dumb question just like the rest of your nonsensical stream of consciousness blog."
Bite me.
Did I say that out loud? Back to my relaxing yoga thoughts.
What time is it? Where’s the damn clock in this room? How much longer do I need to sit in this pose and breathe through…what did she say this time? "Concentrate on breathing through our toes?"
Seriously, lady, W.T.F?
Shit, I said that out loud.
Note to self: Next time place mat in the back of the room.
Yoga instructor getting up and tiptoeing toward me.
Uhm, yeah, now’s a good time for that pee break.
Genre-defying, witty, humorous, suspenseful, romantic and sexy— words used to describe Selena’s novels. A self-professed foodie and chocolate guru, Selena loves to dance with her dog, sing into her hairbrush and write in her PJ's. In love with her family, friends, books, laughter, hockey, lively discussions and red wine (sometimes all at the same time). Selena is a dragon slayer who enjoys reading and writing sassy heroines and hot heroes (the ones your mamma warned you about, but secretly wished she’d dated a few in her life).
Selena is the author of the contemporary, WHAT A GIRL WANTS and the romantic comedy short story, TEMPTED BY AN ANGEL.
Yes I have seen chickens cross the road and I don't know why they did it though.
I've seen ducks cross a road--does that count? lol Welcome to the Naughty Nine, Selena. And Namaste to you, too. I think you've come to the right place with your questions, though. I'm sure we could help you out with at least a few of them. ;)
ROFL!!! Yes, this is exactly what happens when I try to meditate!! Welcome to the Naughty Nine, Selena!
Hi, RM, PG & Kelly, thank you for the warm welcome.
I knew coming here I'd find answers to some of these questions that seem to bombard my mind when I'm so deep into the meditation/yoga ritual.
I bet all those meditating gurus do the same thing, they just don't want to admit it. LOL
Some of my best plotting comes when I'm at yoga, I just have to learn to not say things out loud.
Thanks again, Naughties. Always a pleasure to visit here. :)
I will have to google synonym for synonym now, just to see what it comes up with. I can never clear my mind either. I have tried numerous times, especially when I am trying to relax enough to fall asleep but it does not work for me.
Hi, June, glad to see my ramblings during meditation have you thinking like me. LOL I still believe all those guru's who say they meditate and think of the ocean, etc, are actually trying to figure out what to Google next.
Thanks for stopping by.
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