Thanks for having me here at Nine Naughty Novelists!
Let's take a moment and talk about our furry friends. After all, that's what we're here, about, right? Those hot, posessive, powerful males who would do anything for their mate. You know exactly the ones I mean. In SheWolf, Kieran was hot and surprisingly romantic. He killed to protect her the first time he caught her scent. An alpha male with a gentle side.
For Ryland, in Dark Succession, we get the true alpha male, the one who is aggressive and in full control. He has no need of a mate to complete him. Yet he can't resist the sensual scent and beauty of the one named Nora. She is his weakness. She is his strength.
For Blood Moon Betrayed, Sean is different. He's a beaten down alpha male, convinced of his own uselessness who has already let everyone down who's ever depended upon him. Sean is an engima among shifters. He's not the confident, decisive male we're so used to seeing. He doesn't trust his decisions, and he doesn't trust himself. After his wife left him, he pulled inward, swimming in his own self-defeat. But when he saves the life of a pretty human female, he's torn with the desire to open his heart and the need to protect himself. The question is, can he trust his own decisions enough?
We've all been there. Okay, maybe not his exact situation, since your former significant other probably isn't part hyena, (oops, letting secrets out), but we all know the basic feelings. And that's what makes Blood Moon Betrayed work. That's what makes any romance work. We've all felt the same feelings at one time or another, though our reasons may not be different.
So speaking of relating, tell me what it is you see in romance novels that you can NOT relate to. Is it one little thing? or do is there something in romance novels that just drives you nuts that you have never seen in real life, in any form or fashion? And feel free to drop by my website at http://teresadamario.coom and check out the new cover for the re-release of Lone Wolf, scheduled for mid December!
I can never relate to dominance. I'd never allow it myself and therefore cannot see how anyone else would.
Hi Teresa, welcome to the Naughty Nine. Hyenas, huh? Interesting idea.
Hi Victoria, you mean as the hero committing violence, or as a book that contains violence? I know what you mean though. You should check out my home blog today too then. I wrote a nice blog about a very similar topic.
Meg, yes, I like to keep things very different. :D
OOps! LOL Dontcha hate when you use the wrong name? I just noticed I have poor Sean falling for Nora, but his heroine is Caden! He falls for CADEN. LOL. Oh boy, It's been an odd month. Poor Caden. Left out in the cold!
Welcome to the Naughty Nine Teresa!Your "furry friends" sound fascinating! I'm pretty open to a lot of things when I read - as long as the emotions are real and the characters are motivated, I can usually relate to it, even if it's something I've never really experienced (yes, like my hubs being part hyena! Love that!)
Hi Kelly, thanks for the warm welcome. :) Yes, there are secrets everywhere!!!
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