Dear friends, fans and those of you who are accidentally following us and just haven't adjusted your settings yet,
Its time to shake things up a little!
Yes, we all love our martini shakers-- and what comes out of them-- and yes, liquor is always a good guess when it comes to the Naughty Nine topics of conversation. But in this case I mean that we're going to shake things up on the blog!
(But martini shakers do remind me of the topic I was going to post about... how even though I found Tom Cruise HOT in Top Gun and Cocktail (shaking those martinis--and other things!) I'm very happy Katie is finally getting away from his crazy-assed ways).
But this is a much better topic. We've got some new stuff planned for you all (and us)!
Here's what's happening:

Tuesdays will continue to be our guest blog posts. We love having author friends and new-to-us-too authors stop by!
Thursdays will be Thursday 13-- with contributions from all 9 of us. Also once a year or so, we'll "treat" you to another serial parody, with chapters posting on Thursdays!
The 2nd and 4th Friday will be ... Recipes!! From us, other authors and YOU! We'll be sharing recipes that relate to our books or just food we love. So, if you have a recipe you'd like to share, send it to us at Please put RECIPE in the subject!
And finally, on the 3rd Friday we're going to have First Line Friday! You'll be treated to the first line from three different novels, by three different authors. But you won't know which novels and which authors until Saturday! On Friday, vote for your favorite in the comment section. All voters, regardless of which line you vote for, will be entered to win a $10 Amazon gift certificate. Then come back on Saturday to find out which novels and authors those great lines came from!
So, there you go! Some fun new stuff for all of us!
Oh, and while I'm here, I thought I'd mention that I have a short story and a new book coming out this month!
Just the Way I Like It is a short story about the Bradfords-- the family and their friends that were first introduced in my Bradford series (Just Right, Just Like That & Just My Type). It's been two years since those books came out, so Just the Way I Like It will help everyone catch up with where the Bradfords are and what they're doing. It will be out-- and FREE :) -- on July 17th.

With friends like
these… they may never date again!
A Bradfords series short
Out of their entire group of friends, Kevin Campbell and Doug
"Dooley" Miller are the last bachelors standing. And if their
friends’ wives have anything to say about it, they're both going down—the
sooner the better.
Sure, sometimes it's torture to stand by and watch their
friends enjoy true love. But all that touching, teasing, and goo-goo eyes? It
gets old. Plus, Kevin and Dooley have their reasons for staying single, and a
trio of meddling women can't change that.
Or can they?
That’s the question that’s making them nervous. Very nervous…
Warning: This Bradford series epilogue contains six meddling
friends, two sworn bachelors and a bunch of crazy set-ups. It’s also an sneak peek at the next two books
where Kevin and Dooley do find true love…without any help from their friends.
Just For Fun is book four in the Bradfords series and will out July 24th.
There’s having fun…
and then there’s falling in love.
The Bradfords, Book 4
It was a chance meeting, a spontaneous, hot moment, a
never-to-be-repeated encounter. So when the gorgeous redhead he knows only as
Sugar walks into the bar and heads straight for him, Doug "Dooley"
Miller knows he’s in trouble. But he’s sure not going to mind.
She needs a date to some swanky something-or-other. He’s a
fish-sticks-and-denim guy, but for a woman who's not afraid to get naughty in
an elevator, he can stand a couple days of smoked salmon and Armani.
Morgan James admits she doesn’t really know Doug, but she needs him to keep her
mind—and hands—off her ex. A man who, despite the fact he stole her ideas, she's
afraid could charm her into repeating her mistakes. Only Doug can make her
forget the weasel exists. Besides, it's just this one time.
What started as not even a one-night stand has Dooley
feeling things that he’s never felt before.
And that’s outside of the
bedroom. Don’t even get him started on
what’s happening between the sheets. Why
does he have a feeling that, as far as flings go, they’re doing something
wrong? Then again, if they’re falling in
love, they might just be getting that right.
Warning: Contains a woman who knows what she wants, a man
who knows what he doesn’t want, and a
proposition that shows them both that they’ve never really wanted anything like
this before.
And YES, you can pre-order them both! :-) Right here in fact:
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