Monday, April 9, 2012

Nick Blackthorne’s World Blog Tour

The Nine Naughty Novelists blog is the eleventh stop on Nick Blackthorne’s World Blog tour. Here you’ll find an exclusive snippet from Love’s Rhythm PLUS a line from Nick’s International Number One bestseller, Night Whispers.

If you’re not sure what Nick Blackthorne’s World Blog Tour is, check out contest details here at  Lexxie Couper’s blog There are prizes galore including right here! To be in the running to win an ebook from Lexxie’s backlist make sure to leave a comment or ask Lexxie (or Nick) a question. A winner will be announced at the end of the day J

His music moves the world. Can his love move her heart?

Nick Blackthorne knows all about words of love. They’re the reason he’s the world’s biggest rock star. The irony? He turned his back on love a long time ago, lured away by the trappings of fame.

An invitation to a friend’s wedding is a stark reminder of how meaningless his life has become. When he enters that church, there’s only one woman he wants on his arm—the one he walked out on a lifetime ago. But first he has to find her, even if all she accepts from him is an apology.

Kindergarten teacher Lauren Robbins once had what every woman on the planet desires. Nick. Their passion was explosive, their romance the stuff of songs…and it took fifteen years to get over him. Then out of the blue Nick turns up at her door, and all those years denying her ache for him are shattered with a single, smoldering kiss.

But molten passion can’t hide the secret she’s kept for all these years. Because it’s not just her heart on the line anymore…and not just her life that’ll be rocked by the revelation.  

Product Warnings
Remember your first crush on a rock star? Now add smoldering sex, a raw and undeniable passion, soul-shattering orgasms. And secrets… 

Exclusive Snippet from Love’s Rhythm

Nick rose to his feet, slowly, until he stood directly before her, their thighs brushing, holding her stare the entire time. “You kissed me,” he repeated on a low murmur. “Just like this.”

He lowered his head and took her lips with his. They were soft, as he remembered them being. Soft and sweet and warm. He stroked the tip of his tongue over them, an exquisite tension spreading through his body as they parted. Her tongue touched his, hesitant, almost shy. It was enough. Enough to bring their past, their passion, their desire, rushing back to him. He groaned, low and unabashed, and plunged his tongue deeper into her mouth, his hands snaking around her waist to snare her shirt in two tight fistfuls. She whimpered in reply, the sound pushing him over the edge.

With another groan—this one far more aggressive—he yanked her to his body, taking utter possession of her mouth as his hands roamed her back. She fit to his frame with perfection, firm and soft and lush. Nothing had changed. Her body against his ignited a primitive need in him he’d never been able to vocalize, not in song or word, no matter how many times he’d tried. It sparked a want beyond the physical.

He raked his hands up her back and tangled his fingers in her spun-copper hair, shorter than it had been the last time he saw her but no less silken, no less intoxicating with its thick, unrestrained waves.
Lauren moaned, her hips pressing harder to his. White-hot awareness shot through him, a sizzling tension that made his pulse quicken and his balls throb. He plundered her mouth with desperate greed, drinking in her breath, her equally hungry need. This…this… Why had he walked away from this? Was he insane?

She moaned again, her hands sliding up his shirt, slipping beneath his collar. Her skin touched his and there was nothing hesitant about the contact. She splayed her fingers over his shoulders, up the back of his neck and into his hair, pulling him deeper into their kiss. Her tongue mated with his, fierce and demanding. A noise sounded to Nick’s left—distant and unimportant—like someone coughing. But he didn’t care. Lauren was kissing him. His Lauren. His goddess. She was kissing him and grinding her sex against him and holding him as if she never would let him go again.

Christ, she infused him with heat. With life. Why the fuck had he ever—



Line from Night Whispers 
And I want to cry but I can’t find the tears

Buy links for Love’s Rhythm


Lisa said...

I csn't wait to read Nick's story. Counting the days until release day.


Fedora said...

*sigh* What a time for an interruption, eh?

Thanks for the lovely excerpt--can't wait for Nick and Lauren's story to be released!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Cathy M said...

So, so nice. I love that these two are slowly making their way back to together.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Barbara said...

ANOTHER wonderful excerpt! I can't wait to get this book in my hands...who would DARE interrupt such a HAWT kiss??? I could guess... rot-roh!! :|

barbbattaglia @

Unknown said...

I love the excerpts! I can't wait to get this book!
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

bn100 said...

Very nice excerpt. The book sounds good.


Elaine G said...

Lost power last night,couldn't get here til now :)
Loved the excerpt.Thanks for sharing.

Z said...

Sorry, I'm late again. I hope Lexxie and Nick have been enjoying the tour and hope to catch up.
Seawitch Reviews @